michael - stomach virus (fetus)

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Michael's pov-

I woke up feeling great. I mean like really good I could run a marathon if I ran and liked marathons.
I realize it was 7am and ashton comes to pick me up at 7:15 am to take me and the boys to school.

I walk downstairs to find bri my little sister wrapped up in blankets and shaking.

" what's wrong bri bri" I asked.
"M' tummy hurts" she said.
"  awe im sorry babe" I said as I kissed her hot forehead.
Then she coughed. ON ME!!!!

I know what youre thinking. Michael its just a cough. But not for me you see I have a really weak immune system so I get sick super easily.

Lets hope nothing happens.

Not long after ashton pulled up to my flat and I walked to his car.

" hey michael you ok you look a little flushed" ashton asked.

" uh oh yeah im fine" I said.

"Oh ok" he said.

When we got to school I was already starting to feel blah
My stomach was starting to hurt and so was my head.

"Michael are you sure youre ok you look awful" luke said concerned.

" yeah im fine" I reassure him.

I made it threw half the day but then came lunch.

With everyone eating and the smell it just made my stomach a hot mess.

I finally caved.

"  guys im not feeling to well" I said.

" what's wrong" they asked
Before I said anything my stomach answered for me with a loud sickly noise which made me groan.

" that sounded awful" Calum said.
" didn't feel to great either" I said.

Suddenly my mouth went dry and my stomach flipped.

I got up and ran for the nearest trash can and got violently sick in to it.

" awe Mikey we didn't know you were that sick" ashton said.

" no im fine" I said as soon as I caught my breath.

" not with a fever like that youre coming to the sick bay" ashton said feeling my head.

"But..." I started to protest

"No buts" ashton snapped.

Then suddenly i got a sharp pain in my head that made me fall.

Im to tired and miserable to finish so part 2 will be up tomorrow.

I've blacked out like 5 times today. They r having a hard time keeping my fever down and I still cant keep anything down longer then 15 seconds.

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