Aliluvsjai's sickfic

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A/n still need one more winner so some of you can turn in your entries.

Who will be my third winner

Calum's P.O.V.

Ugh tomorrow is the day my parents leave for their stupid trip. They won't even tell me where they're going and they're leaving me alone since I guess I'm "old enough". All I know is by the time I wake up tomorrow, they'll be gone and when they get back they're going to get me a new phone...thank god.

I close my eyes and try not to think about their stupid trip. Honestly who leaves a 14 year old home alone during the middle of summer with no food and no company, but whatever.

Next thing I know I'm waking up. It's still dark and I roll over. The clock says 4:37. My stomach made weird noises and my heart started beating really fast. What the hell? I felt something rising up my throat as my stomach kept gurgling. Oh no. I groan and quickly pull the covers off of me.

I start to run to the bathroom, but only make it to the hallway. I gagged and immediately threw up onto the green colored carpet outside my room. To be honest I always hated that carpet so something good did come out of this. They'll probably have to buy new carpeting.

My stomach gurgled bringing me out of my thoughts. I rushed downstairs because I didn't feel nauseous at that point. I looked and found a note on the table.

Hey sweetie,

It mommy. Daddy and I are leaving. It's now 4:35. I hope your okay because before we left I looked at you. You didn't look too good. Anyway hope you are ok. If not try walking to Ms. Hemmings's house. Love you, enjoy your month.

Wait...they just left? Fuck! Why couldn't this have happened five minutes earlier?

All of a sudden I felt like I was going to be sick again. I ran over to the sink and vomit shot up my throat. I coughed harshly a couple of times and then retched loudly. Vomit came barreling up my throat again. I retched even louder and this time vomit shot out of my nose. I started crying. Gross. I did not feel good at all.

Once I was sure I wasn't going to be sick anymore, I stumbled over to the living room and plopped down on the couch. I looked at the clock by the TV. It read 5:00. Oh no I am not going to school today. Not like this. I turned on the TV and started watching whatever show was on.

I could feel my eyes start drooping. I hadn't closed them for more than a minute before I involuntarily gagged. I screeched as I threw up all over my lap. I hovered over it, still feeling like throwing up. Walk over to Ms. Hemmings's house my ass. I was breathing hard. I retched and then threw up again, vomit shooting out of my mouth and nose and falling into my lap.

Why am I so sick? Why now? I got up and went to my room. I changed my pants and then slowly walked downstairs, my hand on my stomach. I grabbed the trash bin and then sat back on the couch. I rubbed my stomach, trying to relieve the knots that were in it.

It didn't help one bit. A couple of minutes later I found myself feeling even more queasy. I grabbed the bin knowing the feeling wasn't going to be passing anytime soon. I put it in my lap and then retched. I retched louder and then coughed as I threw up.

I felt so cold, but so hot at the same time. Once I was done, I wiped my mouth with my sleeve. I know it wasn't the most sanitary but I felt like if I got up, I would just end up throwing up everywhere. I coughed roughly a couple times and then gagged. A little bit of vomit came out and onto my shirt. There really was no point in changing because I'd probably puke on them again so I just sat there.

I felt so gross. I wish someone would take car of me. I felt hot tears stream down my face. Oh no you don't. I wiped my face and just sat there. All of a sudden I got really really warm. I felt my body heave and something wet and then darkness.

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