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Camila's POV

He had an aura of anger about him as he walked into my office, more like stomped into my office.

"What's up?" I said quietly, hoping that he wouldnt completely freak out on me.

"Bloody management," he practically shouted and I flinched away from him, not wanting to be in his firing line.

"What about them?"

"Where do I even begin?" He sighed and leant back into the chair he was sat in, bringing his hands to his head and running his fingers through his slightly curled locks.

"Well what have they done to annoy you this time?"

"They are saying that over the hiatus I have to find a girlfriend, a likeable one. Apparently I can't just relax for the time but I have to change up my image."

"What's wrong with the image you have now? You're not seen as an alcoholic, a druggie..." He cut me off before I could even begin to list things.

"I'm seen a womanizer, I thought you would at least know that. Oh I'm Harry Styles and I sleep with anyone and everyone," he rolled his eyes, I could almost feel the anger radiating off him.

"Do you do that?"

"No I haven't had sex in around three months."

"Maybe that's why you're so angry, so wound up," I didn't know how to phrase what I wanted to say professionally so I just decided to throw anything I'd every learnt about therapy out the window, "Maybe you're horny."

"Are you saying that my depression is caused by being horny?" he was mocking me, making me feel so stupid.

"No not the depression, but the anger side. When was the last time you had a steady girlfriend that wasn't a celebrity?"

"I don't know," he mumbled and looked to the floor.

"Maybe you need a bit of normality in your life, you don't seem to be the kind of person who relishes in the fame. Maybe you need to find someone to keep you feeling like normal 21 year old."

"How am I supposed to find anyone 'normal' if I'm not sure if they are using me for the money? At least when I date people that are considered 'celebrities' I don't have that worry."

"You'll know when someone loves you Harry, you'll feel it," his eyes met mine, he looked like he was trying to figure out if I was lying.

"Do you have someone to love you?"

"No," I stammered, I wasn't used to be asked personal questions.

"You think I need to someone to love me? That it will help calm my anger?"

"Well I mean," I wasn't sure if the advice I was giving was sound or would even help his situation, "Its not a common technique but everyone seems to be happier when they're in love."

"Not everyone," he butted in and I nodded curtly at him. He was right, most of my clients happened to be victims of abuse from a spouse.

"Well people that are in love love. The ones that live happily ever after, grow old together."

"I think you should stop reading cliché, romance novels."

"I think you should stop being such a skeptic."

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