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Harry's POV

"Cam, I need to go home," I was trying to unlatch the girl who was clinging to me like a baby monkey; I needed to go home so I could wear some clean clothes, I had been wearing the same T-Shirt and jeans for the past few days.

"But you won't come back!" She whined, sticking her bottom lip out.

"Well why don't I take you to my house, that way neither of us is leaving the other one?" I raised an eyebrow at her and she gave me a childish grin- it was so strange to think that weeks before we had spoken to each other so formally and suddenly we were talking like friends. Partners. Lovers.


"This is my dwelling, make yourself at home," I led Camila into the living room which I hadn't used in what felt like forever. As much as I loved Camila's quaint house, my home would always be the place I felt most at ease.

"Its beautiful," she gushed and began to walk around the rooms, stroking the granite countertops in the kitchen and marvelling at the artwork that was hung on the walls.

"Almost as beautiful as you," I whispered into her ear and I saw her blush slightly, her cheeks becoming the colour of a pink rose on a summer afternoon.

"A gramophone!" She squealed, ruining the romantic moment as she rushed over to where the machine was. Sifting through my records, she picked out the song she wanted to play and gave it to me, "I don't know how to work them."

I chuckled at her, before playing the song which she had chosen. Suddenly, Ella Fitzgerald's 'Night and Day' played and I went over to Camila, offering my hand out for her to take. She dimmed the lights before taking my hand and giving me the sweetest smile I had ever seen.

Letting the melodies wash over us, we began to dance slowly, letting our bodies do all the talking. Our faces got very close and I pressed my lips against hers, feeling euphoria course through my veins. Pulling away, I saw her eyes glimmer under the dimmed lights

"This couldn't be more perfect," she murmured and I just nodded, not wanting to ruin the moment with my careless words.


"Its cold up here!" Camila whined as we sat on the rooftop of my house, the cold wind hitting us. It had been my idea to climb up there, just so we could look at the stars which had appeared.

"Take my jacket," I shrugged off my jacket and handed it to the shivering girl who took it gratefully. We sat in comfortable silence for a few seconds before she shuffled over to sit next to me, resting her head on my shoulder.

"I cannot tell you how unbelievably happy I feel whenever I am near to you," she whispered, looking up into my eyes with her large ones, "There is something about your presence that numbs any negative emotion in my body."

I smiled down at her, knowing my actions would speak louder than my words. After kissing her forehead, I hummed slightly into the night air, watching the London skyline fall asleep.

Camila closed her eyes gently and I heard her breathing become heavier, indicating that she had been overcome with exhaustion.

"You're my whole world," I mumbled into her hair before carefully picking her up and carrying her back down to the house. I had never liked girls to be in my house, they always felt like intruders, but with Camila it was like she fit there perfectly. She was meant to be in my life- I knew that for certain.

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