Finding You Part 2

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T h o r:
He was walking back to the Avengers HQ when he crossed an orphanage. There, on the steps, was a baby in a worn basket. The day was approaching dusk and the temperature was dropping. He picked your cradle up and looked at you. You blinked at him and gave him a toothless grin that melted his heart.

A lady opened the door and gaped at him. "Yes, may I help you...sir?"she stuttered, looking at Thor and attempted to straighten her messy bun and dress. He looked down at the baby and the woman glanced down too. "Oh! You want to leave her?" Thor frowned but nodded. "I found the poor creature out here." Just as he was about to transfer you to her arms, you latched yourself on him and whined.

The woman laughed. "I guess she likes you." You snuggled deeper into his arms. "Well then, I believe I'll take her. Thank you, fair maiden." He heard the door slam and a squeal behind him. "Thor! The Thor! He called me fair maiden!" He rolled his eyes and cuddled you all the way to the facility.

P i e t r o:
He was running around New York for his warm up. He was crossing under a bridge when he heard shouting and once coming out to the other side, a bundle of sheets came flying to him.

Without hesitating, he caught it gently and looked inside. You stirred and looked at him with huge, curious y/e/c eyes. Pietro glanced up but saw no one on the bridge. You giggled and pulled on one of his hanging curls. "You like my hair, little one? Maybe Wanda would stop threatening to cut it if I bring you with me, hm?" As if agreeing, you waved your fists and patted his face.

"I take that as a yes. Shall we, then?" He started walking down the street when you started kicking up your legs. "Not fast enough, princess? I know how that feels." He laughed and held the back of your neck as he started sprinting through the city.

W a n d a:
Wanda was crossing a street when a woman came up to her. "I'm sorry, but do you have somewhere safe to live in?" The woman asked in a cracking voice. Wanda sensed something wrong and nodded. "I made some mistakes in my past and I can't have an innocent pay for my actions. Don't let her die, please."

Before Wanda could react, the woman had gently placed a baby clad in y/f/c pajamas in her arms. She pressed a final kiss on your small forehead and ran away, wiping her cheeks and turned to look at Wanda holding you before disappearing into an alley.

Just then, a group of men in black suits with guns started appeared on an opposite street and spotted Wanda. She shifted you to an arm and waved her free hand, laced with red energy, at the men. Tendrils of her magic attacked the men, who reacted differently to their fears Wanda had sent.

Taking their distraction as an advantage, Wanda ran past the men and hid in a nearby park. "Do you want to stay with me, little flower?" You grabbed a lock of her hair and played with it. She laughed. " I believe that's a yes, y/n. It suits you." You spent a few hours looking at ducks in a pond with her before heading to your new home.

B u c k y:
He was out on an errand for Steve to "get used to the new world". Whatever. He entered a store and headed to the candy section. Just then, he saw a man yelling at a baby girl in a cart. Bucky frowned and headed his way over to the man. "Sir? It's not polite to disrespect a child, much less a lady, y'know ."

The guy swung a fist at Bucky and caught him in his jaw. He was about to hit him again when Bucky caught his fist and shoved him back. "No way you just tried to punch me, jerk. Do you know who I am?" Some of his old sassy self was starting to leak back. The man tried to hit him in the stomach, but Bucky kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and sent a well-aimed blow to his jaw. The guy went flying a few feet backwards.

"Don't you ever try messing with me or my candy."he growled before stalking off to the little girl. Turns out, the baby girl's mom was dead and she had no other relatives. So imagine the surprise Bucky had for Steve when he came with a baby with one hand and a bag of candy in the other. "You did say to blend into the world, Steve. Now I'm a dad." Bucky smirked and exited the room with you in tow holding a Bucky Bear while Steve facepalmed.

L o k i:
Loki was walking on a snowy day through a forest near the Avengers HQ after agreeing to work with them. His breath came out in mist as the temperature started dropping. He sensed another living being behind him, and he turned around with daggers in hand. There was no one there. Then he saw snow moving.

He sank to his knees and with a spell, cleared out the snow. There, a baby was lying in the snow swaddled in a thick blanket. Its lips were turning blue and was shivering violently. He raised you up, and whispered a spell that warmed you up right away.

"Who would a little snowflake like you out here, hm?" You not-so-lightly smacked his face. He stared at you with wide eyes and laughed. "Oh, little y/n, I like you already. Y/n fits you, snowflake." You giggled and pulled his locks of hair. He put you on his arms and started walking back. "Wait until Thor sees you. And he said I was going to be the last one to have children."

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