Your First Word Pt. 2

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T h o r:
Thor had taken you back to Asgard, where he was staying at the time. You were playing in his room while he was working out. Whenever it was near, you loved playing with Mjolnir, his hammer. You were playing a small replica of it but you wanted to play with the real thing.

Unfortunately, you were stuck in the Asgardian equal to the Midgard playpen. It was a tall rectangular prism made of magic force fields, keeping you safe but not letting you crawl out. Your only solution was making sound. So you started off by whining, banging your tiny fists against the force field. Your dad kept going on with his push ups, too concentrated to hear you.

You remembered the sounds your dad said when picking up Mjolnir. So you tried calling him out like that. "Ham--mah! Hamm--r!" Thor stopped midway of push up to listen to a tiny, wavering voice. "Hammer! Hammer!" Thor got up and walked to your pen, holding you up. "What did you say, lille ven?" "Hammer!" You cried again. He gave a laugh."You want to play with Mjolnir, my (y/n)? You shall have it." He opened his hand and Mjolnir zoomed into his hand.

You laughed and started hugging it while Thor carried you to the training arena to tell his friends of your first word.

P i e t r o:
Pietro had decided to take you to a nearby park once he had returned from SHIELD. He had you up in his shoulders and was walking on a trail around a lake. Both of you had sat down for a while and pointed at the fish darting through algae  underwater.

"All right принцесса, let's try and find squirrels, hm?" You clapped your hands approvingly. He lifted you up again on his shoulders and hunted for the furry brown critters in the trees. You loved seeing the squirrels jump from branch to branch, so Pietro climbed up a tree,  and you both quietly waited for one to appear.

After a few minutes, Pietro finally climbed down and started walking again around the lake. You loved when your daddy sprinted though, so you grabbed fistfuls of his bouncy curls and pulled. Pietro laughed. "Sorry принцесса, the squirrels didn't want to play today." He still didn't get what you wanted. So you kicked your little legs up and down. Pietro just patted your head. Then you decided to say the word your Aunt Wanda said when your daddy went fast. "Run!" Pietro almost trip. "принцесса? What did you say?" "Run! Run!" Pietro grinned mad brought you down to his arms.

"So that's what you wanted Speedy? I'll run then, принцесса." He covered you and zoomed around the park, with you shrieking in joy until he reached home. "Wanda! Wanda! Guess what was (y/n)'s first word!"

W a n d a:
You and Wanda were in the living room, playing with wooden blocks of the alphabet. You adored playing with them, but you especially loved your mom making them float with her red energy. She was currently talking on the phone with your Uncle Pietro while you slowly stacked the blocks in two towers.

You stood up and tried to put the last three blocks, but it was too tall for you. You turned to your mom, but she was still distracted. You couldn't walk over to her, so you tried waving. Wanda stood up and walked over to the bookshelves, still busy talking to her twin.

You had no idea what to do. You then remembered the word your uncle had been teaching you when Wanda used her pretty red energy. "Mm--ma--" you tried. "Magi." Wanda looked over in surprise. "милая? What did you say?" "Magic!" You cried out. Wanda dropped her phone and picked you up, hugging you tightly. "Pietro! She said her first word!" You heard your uncle's laughter coming from her phone on the ground. Wanda later helped you finish your towers, lifting you up with her magic to place the last block. "Good job, милая! Wait until Clint hears this!"

B u c k y:
You were currently playing with Bucky Bear and Steve Bear with your Uncle Steve. He and Bucky had made a bet on whose bear would you say first. "Say Steve, (y/n). Steve." You kept playing with Bucky Bear, totally ignoring Steve. Your dad was in the kitchen making lunch. "No cheating Rogers! We said no teaching her if we both aren't there!" Steve rolled his eyes.

He had stopped playing with Steve Bear and now you wanted your dad to come and play too. You patted Steve's hand and whined. He looked over in surprise. "Yeah (y/n)? What is it?" He didn't call your dad over, though. You waved Bucky Bear at him. "Bucky Bear, (y/n). That's Bucky Bear." You clapped your hands. Steve just grinned at you and picked up Steve Bear. "Say Steve, (y/n)."

You really wanted your dad, so you just said the first thing that you heard. "Boo Bear! Boo Bear!" Steve dropped Steve Bear in surprise. Bucky came running in. "What'd she say?!" You laughed. "Boo Bear! Boo Bear!" You waved Bucky Bear at him. "Oh sweetheart!" Bucky scooped you up and stuck his tongue out at Steve. "That's 50, Steve." "But-but she didn't say Bucky!" You grabbed your dad's hair. "Bucky Bear!" Steve left grumbling while you and Bucky played with the teddy bears on the floor.

L o k i:
Loki had taken you out to a quiet cabin somewhere up north in America. It was early in the morning so Loki was still sleeping. You however, are an early bird, so you were already up and had gently fallen to the carpeted floor. You crawled around, until you reached a sliding window door that lead to the porch. And beyond that porch was the beautifulest sight you've seen in your short life.

Everything was white and shimmery; all the trees and ground was full of the white thing that glittered slightly. Even the nearby lake was a pretty white-aqua color. You cooed and laughed at the pretty white thing. You pressed your tiny hands to the window and took them away soon, since it was cold. You wanted your daddy to see it, so you started your journey back.

You soon reached the bed and made noises. Your dad kept snoring lightly. Frustrated, you cried out. But he kept on sleeping. Then a bright idea popped in. "Sno! Snow!" Loki jerked awake and panicked when he didn't see you next to him. Then he saw you down on the floor. He frowned and picked you up from the ground. "And how did you get down there, snowflake?" You grabbed his hair. "Snow!" He almost dropped you in shock. "Oh love! Your first word!" You pointed in the direction of the window door. He picked you up and stood in front of it. "Snow, hm? I see." You both spent the rest of the day playing in the snow, and even ice-skating a bit in the frozen lake.

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