Your First Steps Pt. 2

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T h o r:
Thor had taken you out to the royal gardens of Asgard. He was trying to teach you to walk, but you were too busy crawling after butterflies and poking at pretty flowers. "(Y/n), you can chase after the butterflies later. Come here!" You decided to ignore him and kept on crawling through the grass, staining your little dress green. Thor sighed and walked over to the trees you had wandered over to.

"Princess (y/n)?" He called out. What he didn't know was that you had somehow gotten stuck in the base of a tree and ended up on its branches. You saw your dad walking on the bottom of you and you laughed. Thor heard the sounds of giggling nearby. He grinned. "I know you're somewhere here, my little princess." He stood directly under you. You couldn't resist the temptation. You grabbed one of those fascinating golden locks of hair and pulled.

Thor instantly looked upwards. "(y/n)!" He picked you off the branch and set you down on the grass. "Love, don't do what your uncle tells you to." He grumbled. You pouted and sat down, refusing to move. Thor walked away a several meters and also sat down, facing you. "Come here, my little fair maiden." You stubbornly refused. You wanted to climb trees now. "You walk over here, and we'll climb trees, yes?" Thor offered. Just then, a bunny raced by you.

Excited, you forgot about being mad and started crawling after it. You weren't fast enough, so you balanced unsteadily on your legs and took teetering but fast steps towards the fluffy white ball of fur. The bunny disappeared as you ran straight into your dad. "By the Nine Realms, (y/n), amazing!" You smiled and pulled his hair again. "(Y/n)! We don't pull my hair!"

P i e t r o:
"Faster!" You yelled. You were currently on your dad's shoulders as he ran around Upstate New York, zooming through forests and the city. "Alright принцесса, why don't you try it out?" He had stopped in a quiet grassy field surrounded by trees. He gently lifted you from his shoulders and set you down. He grabbed your tiny hand and slowly lifted you into a standing position. "Just do what I do, принцесса. Slowly." He placed a foot in front. You struggled to imitate him. After a few attempts resulting in tripping, he lifted you to his arms again.

"Ok Speedy, Daddy has to go to a meeting. Again." He grumbled. He sprinted to the Avengers HQ, dropping you off with Agent Hill. You loved Maria, because she always carried you everywhere with her and let you play with Nick's extra eyepatches. "Ok (y/n), were doing rounds today." Maria carried you at her hip, making sure all the agents were working. You waved at all of them, and squealed when you saw Nick. He ruffled your growing hair and told Maria, "They need you up in five. The new recruits blew up something again." Maria grumbled all the way up.

After an hour of being stuck in her arms, though, you were getting fidgety. You wanted to go fast; or rather, you wanted your daddy. Once Maria finally left the lab and came to the lobby, you were whining for your daddy. "Look (y/n), there he is!"

He was there, but he was busy talking with his twin. "Daddy!" You called. He didn't listen. Maria was about to walk over when you twisted out of her grip and somehow ended standing up. You couldn't wait for Maria to pick you up again AND wait for her to get your dad, so you did the most logical thing. Oh, but you didn't walk; you're the daughter of Quicksilver, remember? You ran.

And not just a wibbly wobbly run, it was a fast paced run. Hours of observing your daddy run helped with that. You ran straight into Pietro's leg, barely missing other people walking nearby. "(Y/n)? Did you really just..." Pietro trailed off while picking you up and tickling you. Maria came up, giving him one of her rare grins. "Now you can say your daughter learned to run before walking, Maximoff." After that, you never wanted to be carried around and preferred to toddle a brisk pace.

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