Your First Word Pt. 1

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T o n y:
Tony had moved a playpen to his lab to keep an eye on you while he worked. He'd originally given you parts of a robot-building kit, but once Pepper had seen it, it disappeared and was replaced by a set of building blocks.

Tony was busy fixing his newest suit while you were slowly constructing a stack of blocks. You proudly finished placing the last block and wanted your daddy to see it. You tried calling him, but he had music playing next to him.

The suit had a mini-explosion on its arm. Tony cursed and kept fixing. Frustrated, you grabbed a block, threw it at him and yelled, "Sta!" You've heard the word Stark many times, so you though it would work. The block hit him on the head and he turned around at the sound of your voice. "What'd you say squirt?" "Stak." He lifted you out of the playpen and held you there. "PEPPER! (y/n) JUST SAID HER FIRST WORD! AND IT WAS MY NAME!" "Stak!"you giggled. "Let's try daddy now, ok?" "Stak!"

S t e v e:
Steve had fallen asleep with you in his arms watching a TV show. You were bored and wanted your daddy to play with you.

You didn't know how to wake him up, so you pushed at his arms and whined. He didn't feel a thing and continued snoring. You bounced up on his arms, but he still didn't wake up. He mumbled your name and twisted over.

Desperate, you decided to try and say the word Steve had been trying to teach you for the past week. "Say daddy, (y/n)!" You just blew a raspberry and clapped your hands. "D--" you started. "Dah--" Sam walked in with Bucky at his side.

They were both talking when they noticed your attempts to say your first word. Sam dropped the box he had and whipped out his phone. "Only Steve would miss this moment." He muttered. "Dee. Dah-dee. Daddy!" You crowed, clapping your hands. You patted his face. "Daddy! Daddy!" He jerked awake, with his eyes wide open. "Honey?! What did you say?" "Daddy!" You laughed. He hugged you tightly and tossed you up. Sam and Bucky left you and Steve cuddling afterwards, both laughing at Steve's reaction to your words.

B r u c e:
Bruce was at the newly fixed Stark Tower, working in his lab. He had you in a playpen, with a teddy bear and huge Legos. You had built a tower with the blocks and had a hug attack with the teddy bear, and now wanted to see what your dad was working on.

Bruce was mixing chemicals together, typing their reactions in his tablet. You saw a puff of mist rise from one of the beakers and your interest was further piqued. You didn't know how to get your dad's attention, since he was too busy to notice you staring at him. So you tried to say what Tony and Bruce mostly said.

Bruce had just finished carefully adding a drop of liquid to another when he heard something behind him. "Scin--Scien---Science!" He turned around and dropped the beaker he was holding. The contents exploded into flames, and he rushed to the fire extinguisher, controlling the fire. He soon stood in front of your playpen, full of white powder and black ashes, holding you. "Science!" you cried gleefully, pointing at his hair. He ran out of the room, giving you a piggy back ride. "Tony! You won't believe (y/n)'s first word!"

C l i n t:
Clint had the day off at SHIELD and had decided to take you to the city zoo. He had you in his arms, pointing out the animals. You stayed at the monkey area for a good ten minutes, screeching along with them until Clint couldn't bear the sound anymore.

He moved to the aquatic zone, letting you see the small sharks and fish swimming underneath the water. After you had been satisfied at the manta ray touch pool, you went to visit the avian zone.

You looked in wonder at the birds chirping and calling on the branches of trees. Your dad points out the birds. "Look (y/n)! There's a toucan!" You give a cry of delight at the colorfully beaked bird.  He showed you the eagles, falcons, robins, doves...and the hawk. It caught your eye when it seemed to look straight at you and flapped its wings. "Like it (y/n)? It's the best bird in here, no matter what Uncle Sam says. Hawks are better than falcons." You point at the bird. "That's my girl."he grinned. "Fawl-" you start. Clint's expression turned to horror. "No! Hawk! Hawk!" You giggle and try again. "Haw." "HawK." Clint helps. "Haw--k. Hawk!" Right on cue, the hawk screeched and flew into Clint's hair. After getting the bird out of his hair, Clint hugged you bought you a stuffed hawk.

N a t a s h a :
You were sitting in your crib, playing with the set of stuffed Avengers your mom had bought you while she cleaned her bedroom. You were playing with stuffed Clint and Natasha when you tried to make Clint fly and he ended up on the ground in front of the crib.

You crawled to the edge and struggled upright, whining for Natasha's attention. Natasha was busy inside the closet, sorting through the clothes. You tried jumping up and down, but she never looked back. Frustrated, you sat down again and whined.

You soon remember the sound your mom had been teaching you. "Mm...mah..." You ended the word with a raspberry. "Mom...mee." Natasha's eyes were wide open as she slowly stepped out of the closet. "Baby girl?"she asked. "Mommy!"you squealed, excited to have finally captured her attention. She ran up to your crib and hugged you. "Mommy!" You pointed at stuffed Clint. She laughed and handed him to you. "Wait till Clint gets a load of this."

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