Your Godparent(s)

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T o n y: Bruce 

S t e v e: Sam and Natasha

B r u c e: Tony and Natasha

C l i n t: Natasha and Phil*

N a t a s h a: Clint and Steve

T h o r: Loki

P i e t r o: Wanda and Clint

W a n d a: Pietro and Vision

B u c k y: Steve

L o k i: Thor

*The Avengers now know Phil survived in this story! Though I would love to see their reactions if they saw Phil again...

Hi everyone! *Ducks behind laptop* Please don't kill me. I am so sorry for the hiatus, but so many things came up. School, PHYSICS, track and field, physics, marathon training, and have I mentioned physics -_-? But anyways, I'm back my lovely readers! I'll put up how they got to be your godparent SOON, as I will enter vacation in eleven days! May Castiel bless you all for reading my story! And thanks to Satans_worst_fear for making me feel better about my, ahem, stability problems. Love you all!

~Misti Maximoff \^-^/

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