Your First Steps Pt. 1

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T o n y:
You were currently sitting next to Tony, who was busy fixing your Thomas the Tank Engine track. You were playing with a stuffed Iron Man your dad had given you as a present after you said your first word. Tony, who was deeply distracted by the train, didn't hear your demands for attention. "Stark!" You yelled. Tony slightly frowned. "Squirt, I know it's your first word, but how 'bout Daddy, hm?"he replied, never taking his eyes off the train. You huffed and threw down stuffed Iron Man.

You were in desperate need of attention, as you are a Stark, so you decided to go to Pepper. She was currently on the other side of the room, though, choosing colors for your bedroom. Your hands and knees were sore from so much crawling. So you grabbed onto the edge of the table and struggled upwards.

Tentatively, you put one foot down, wobbled, and fell down. Still not giving up, you stood up and took another two steps. You steadily toddled to Pepper. "Pep!" She turned around to see you slowly walked to her. She dropped the book she was holding. "Tony!" "Hm?" "Stark! Look at your daughter!" He turned around to see you take another step. Tony dashed over and scooped you up. "Good job bunny!" You giggled, happy that you finally had attention from both of your parents.

S t e v e:
Steve had gotten up to get you your Captain America shield. You followed him, crawling as fast as you could. He noticed you and laughed. "Think it's time to teach you to walk, honey." You giggled and sat down.

He lifted you up and placed your feet on his. He held your hands up. "Ok (y/n), one step forward." He moved his foot along with yours. You gaped at your feet. "And the other..." Steve walked you all around the flat, with you laughing all the way. "Ok kitten, your turn." He gently set you on the ground and walked ten feet away from you. He sat down and opened his arms.

"Come on honey." You clenched your fists and took one step forwards. Another, another...and then you tripped. You got back up quickly before Steve could get up and walked to him shakily. "Oh honey, amazing! I knew you could do it!" Steve hugged you tightly.

B r u c e
Bruce was in his lab, working with chemicals. It was nothing dangerous though, so you were playing with your own plastic mixing set (of colored water, of course) next to him. He kept you near him all the time after Tony tried to give you a real chemical set and he almost Hulked out.

You splashed a tube of blue water into a yellow one sloppily, and squealed in delight when the water turned green. "Daddy!" Bruce turned around to see you pointing at your creation. "Good job Peanut! I'm almost done, okay?" You didn't understand the question, but you did clap your hands when he cooed over your work. You wanted to show someone else your work, so you searched the lab for another person.

Tony was setting up new holotables on the other side of the room. You couldn't crawl though while holding the beaker, so you tried to get up like your daddy taught you. Wobbling upright, you grabbed the beaker and took a small step forward. You wavered, but didn't fall down. Slowly but gaining speed, you toddled over to Tony. "Unca Tony! Unca Tony!" Tony still couldn't hear you. "Sir, Miss Banner appears to be calling for your attention." JARVIS calmly stated. Tony turned around and saw you walking towards him, sloshing green liquid out of the beaker everywhere. His eyes widened. "Unca Tony! Look!" You giggled, pointing at the beaker. "Great job bunny! Hey Banner! Come look at this!" Bruce looked over and saw Tony recording something on his phone. He walked over and started running when he saw you.

Unluckily, you had left water everywhere and he slipped on a puddle. He went sliding and landed on his back. "Daddy!" You ran over to him. "Peanut! Good job!" You giggled and climbed on his tummy.

C l i n t:
Clint was moping around since he had lost his first arrow he had ever shot. He was up in what your Aunt Nat called his Hawk Nest, a treehouse on a huge tree in your backyard. He had left you for a short time in your playpen, but you were Hawkeye's daughter. You climbed over the pen and dropped to the floor. Of course you knew what an arrow was, so you wanted to help your daddy find it. Slowly, you crawled around the house, searching for his precious arrow. You soon found it in the woodpile next to the guarded fireplace.

Grabbing it, you decided to try and walk like Clint had been teaching you. You got up, clenched the arrow tightly and started taking teetering steps to the open backyard door.

Clint was grumbling all the time, digging through his weapons when he heard a small voice. "Dad!" He ran outside the treehouse and saw you walking unsteadily to him with an arrow in hand. In a flash, he had rappelled down using the long black cord hanging down. "Birdy! You escaped! Your first steps! And my arrow! Great job, (y/n)!" You gave your daddy a huge hug.

N a t a s h a:
Natasha was finishing a report for Fury about her latest mission. You, however, wanted your mommy to sing you a song. "Mommy!" She glanced over at you and smiled. "I'm almost finished baby girl. Then we'll go to the park, okay?" You whined, as you still haven't made yourself understood. "I'm going sweetie. Two more minutes."

Frustrated, you pouted. Then you saw your stuffed spider toy. Clint gave it to you as a present when he first met you; it was cute and fluffy. You loved the Itsy Bitsy Spider song most of all, so you started crawling over to it. It was on a table, though, so you stood up shakily and grabbed the toy.

Soon, you were taking quick steps to your Mommy. "Spider!" Natasha turned her head around and saw a sight that melted her heart again. You were walking towards her, clutching Itsy Bitsy tightly in your hands. "Sweetie! Good job!" She kneeled down and opened her arms. You jumped into the hug. "Mommy! Spider!" She laughed.

"So that's what you wanted, huh?" She began to sing softly until you nodded off. Once she put you on your crib, she got out her phone. She dialed a number and waited. "You won't believe what just happened." "Oh really? What?" Clint replied. Nat grinned and said,"Why don't you come over? Maybe (y/n) can show you herself."

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