How They Got To Be Your Godparents (Part I)

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A/N: Slight (okay, maybe a lot of) violence. And screaming.

T o n y:
Bruce: Everyone knew the Science Buddies were practically inseparable when working together, so it was no surprise when Bruce got asked to be your godfather. He'd met you just the day after Tony brought you home, and you quickly developed an attachment to him.

He called earlier in the day to let your dad know he was dropping by to see you. You were bouncing in anticipation as you heard JARVIS announce Dr. Banner was here. As soon as the doors slid open, you toddled straight into Bruce's feet. "Unca Bwuce!" You still had some trouble pronouncing some words; but hey, it was pretty good for a ten-month old to start talking that early. "Sweetie, no one told me you learned how to walk!" Bruce exclaimed, picking you up and glaring at Tony, who shrugged and grinned sheepishly. "I forgot. I was going to tell you Banner! I just...forgot." Bruce sighed exasperatedly. "How does a genius forget to tell everyone at SHIELD his daughter can walk, Stark? How?" You soon got bored and whined, and pointed in the general direction of the living room, which was where your play space was. Bruce gave Tony a half-hearted glare and started walking towards the living room. Tony whacked him on the head and smirked as Bruce swatted his hand away.

A while later, Tony swung by to see how both of you were doing. He grinned as he saw Bruce wearing a lopsided unicorn horn and you a crown while Bruce helped you mix different colors with your beginner's chem set. That's when Tony decided he wanted Bruce to be your godfather. "Hey Bruce?" Bruce whirled around, his yellow shirt stained (y/f/c) and (y/2nd/f/c). "Yeah?" Tony snapped a picture of Bruce before standing in front of him. "Blackmail purposes. Anyways, wanna be--" Just then Pepper came in. She quickly realized what was going on and clapped a hand over Tony's mouth. "That's not how you do it Tony." A few minutes later, Tony and Pepper* stood in front of Bruce, who was holding you in his arms again. "Bruce, would you do the honor," Tony glanced at Pepper in a helpless way,"of being (y/n)'s godfather?" Bruce blinked. "You want me to be (y/n)'s godfather?" Tony and Pepper nodded. He looked down at you and broke out in a smile. "Of course I wanna be your godfather (y/n)." From then on, Bruce spent almost all his time at Stark Tower to be with you as much as he could.

S t e v e:
Sam: After everything Sam and Steve went through, it wasn't a surprise he was chosen to be your godfather. Especially because of how quickly he grew attached to you. He came to Steve's house everyday to see how his little Cap was doing and took you out on secret "missions" when Steve wasn't there (aka going out on his suit to the park or an amusement park because Steve thought flying was for when you were "older". Lame, right?)

Steve had a wonderful daughter/father day planned out. Notice he had it planned out. But Fury, being Fury, suddenly decided to torture as many people as possible that one day and informed Steve he had a special mission to do. "Yes sir, I understand it's important but is it possible to put it back another day? I had something planned out--" "That's a great idea Rogers. Why don't you give HYDRA a phone call and ask them nicely to attack tomorrow instead?" Fury snapped. Steve suppressed a sigh. "I'll be there in twenty." Once he turned off the phone, he frowned as he looked over to you. "Honey, daddy needs to go to work today. We'll go tomorrow okay?" Steve was almost tempted to call in sick when he saw your huge eyes. Luckily, Sam walked into the apartment at that moment.

"Unca Sam!" you yelled. Steve grinned in relief. "How's little Rogers doing?" You shrieked in joy as he tossed you up in the air. "Hey Sam, can you take care of (y/n) for a few hours? Fury just called me in." Sam shook his head in sympathy. "It's okay, man. We'll keep Fort Rogers safe, won't we (y/n)?" As soon as Steve was gone, took out his jet pack. "Who's ready for a flight to New York?" You eagerly hopped into his waiting arms and took off into the sky.

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