My home

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A/N: hello, my amazing readers I hope you enjoy your stay. I just wanted to let you know that you can ignore the words in the ( ) if you want. You can also read them. (I honestly think it makes the book better, but do what you want.). They are just my little comments. But any way like, comment, and most importantly enjoy.

Beady soulless eyes stared back at me a shiver worked its way up my spine the longer I stared. Fish, they were truly a nasty creature of the sea. They were slimy, scaly, and hostile- always hostile.

"If you don't like to fish why do you always beg and pressure me to bring you along?" He asked when I looked I realized that the boy that spoke did not seem to have any recognizable features. It was as if he was a blur.

"Because I like to fish!?" I exclaimed, I knew I was lying and so did the boy, who chuckled at my lie. This felt familiar some how I felt that something bad was about to happen. Sure enough later that day bad things did happen.

Eyeos was an island where dragons and humans once lived in harmony. Unfortunately there is nothing left of that harmonious land. For the world government decided to wipe it off the face of the planet. Well I suppose there is one thing left, me.

At first it was not just me there was a few others that had survived the attack. As far as I know they all are dead now except for me of course. One would think that the survivors would help the other survive, but that was not the case.They fought against one another. Which I have always thought to be quite stupid of them.

My life before the attack seemed to be forgotten. It seems that I had lost any memory before that time. What I remember most is sitting on a dock crying because I felt that my stomach was eating itself. It never helped that my tongue was always quick to speak. So I usually suffered a beating here and there.

Then one day I had met a sick fisher man. I do not remember his name but I remember what was said in between the two of us.

"You must take my boat and go out to sea."

"Why should I?"

"Child now is not the time to be difficult," he said as he set me in the old, battered fishing boat. "I am an old and sick man I do not have much longer, so I will die for you in this island of chaos."

"But what about this?"

"Ah, the devil fruit I was going to eat it a long time ago but never did, you can keep it." He set the anchor in the boat and patted my matted black hair.

"But why?"

"Just hold on to it for me I wouldn't want anyone else, but the girl that I gave my boat to." His comforting hand left my head as he gave me a smile.

Before I could get in another word the fisherman had already pushed me off. In to the great dangerous water of the Grand line. With nothing more than the clothes on my back, five dried fish and a devil fruit. Not to long into my mysterious journey I had run out of fish. Hunger bit at my sides and thirst burned my throat. I did not remember what one said about the devil fruits but I had a bad feeling about the one that sat before me. But I did not have any other choice at the time. So I took a bite and grit my teeth as the taste of trash filled my mouth.

After a while I found myself on land. I had found out the hard way that the devil fruit robs you the ability to swim. A walk through the town and a window informed me that the devil fruit that I had eaten was the Neko Neko. I remember that I had thought my devil fruit was stupid and I tried to get rid of it but the damage was done the fangs, two black cat ears and tail were here to stay.

Any way

I had a bounty placed on my head not to long after I arrived at the island. I suppose that a villager reported me to the navy because of me stealing from the market. Now that I think about it at the time my bounty was to high for a  petty thief.

Those times were terrible I was so lonely, hungry and tired of living. Then a pirate with red hair came along and saw my situation. He explained to me that I was to young to be in this state, even though I was not much younger than him. So he took me aboard his ship constantly reminding me that my stay was temporary.

Today was the day that I was reminded of that promise because Shanks had dropped me of at an island. I knew this day would come but I never imagined that he would just drop me off in my sleep. What else can you expect from a pirate. (Lots of things. *wink*).

Instead of sitting around on the shore waiting for them to come back, like a clingy bitch. I decided to look around the island (because she ain't no beech). Right off the bat I could tell that the rain and fog was a constant thing around here. They were especially think in the forest area. I listened for movement before I entered. I started forward when I heard it the quietest ting of armor. I drew my sword to deflect the blow, which I struggled to do.

"Why the he-" I never got to finish my attacker moved to fast.

But I was faster.

I retreated before the gorilla ape like things could recover and attack. Making sure I was silent and undetectable as I continued to explore. Right when I was thinking about giving up at finding any other life I saw it.

It stood with confidence and gave off a protective aura this castle was a sight to be appreciated.

But what confused me was that the castle had lights shining through the windows. But a ting of armor had made that thought irrelevant. And I rushed towards the big oak doors. Relived that i at least had shelter.

Stuck on Mihawk's island.... GreatWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt