One draw back

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Remember ( )= my words don't have to read em.

I felt my throat turn dry as I breathed in and out rapidly. At the same moment I tried to force my legs to move even faster. Currently I was running, because something or someone is chasing me. (That's the only reason to run in my opinion). All I really know at this current moment is that I am being chased by something that is mad and swinging a sword. Which means they are most likely trying to cut me to pieces. I am unable to be upset with my current position because this person's behavior is justified. After all I did break his table, two floors and an estimate of six walls. I was struggling and I thought that maybe it could be a redecorating opportunity. (Oh yeah totally.).

"I'm in trouble aren't I?!" I shouted to the man chasing me but to no surprise he did not answer me.

"Well that's just great!?" I mumbled under my breath. "Do you know how to talk?"

Still no answer from the man. So I took a deep breath and sighed. I thought about the words that I could say and quickly choose what I thought to be the right ones.

"I will show you. You open your mouth and speak." I shouted. "Speak boy speak."

Although I found my words to be quite entertaining. I could tell that this man did not find them in the least bit funny. At this point I was so fed up. Mostly because I have been running for a while so neither him or I have gotten anywhere.  So I decided to just stop I figured I might as well face the consequences sooner better than later.

"Ok I am done," I said between pants as I rested my hands on my knees. "I am to old for this shit."

I looked up at the man for the first time I really took on his figure. He was a relatively tall man, not the tallest I have come across but tall nonetheless. I could tell that he was a man that maintained a muscular build, his natural wide shoulders added onto his features. His hair was dark and did not seem to be graying. His face features were sharp especially his jawline and cheek bones. His jawline was decorated with a slight beard. I took time to focus in on his face, which had a slight signs of wrinkles under his eyes. These wrinkles were most likely caused by lack of sleep. Then I  saw them, those Amber eyes seemed to glow but at the same time remained dull. I realized that his sharp, alluring eyes were focused on one thing, me. Which made me almost pee my pants especially when his grip tightened on the giant sword in his hands.

"I-I-It looks l-like you are t-to."  I stuttered in a squeaky voice. I was nervous I knew that and it seems like he knew that to. He gestured me to draw my sword. So I did the same thing that anyone sane would do. I took my sword and threw it in the bushes. Which made the man look at me with a cocked eyebrow. "P-p-piss off."

The man sighed an returned his sword to his back. He started to turn away from me, his eyes were still focused on me. He cleared his throat and glared. Which sent unwelcome shivers down my spine.

"Leave this place and never return." He said as he fully turned around to walk off. (Wow Mihawk really hit her with 'get off my lawn'.). A flood of several emotions hit me at once I couldn't sort through them all. But all that I knew at this moment was that I was not able to leave this depressing, gloomy island. My best chance of surviving in this shit hole was in that castle. Could I defeat this guy; no I knew that much but what I did know was how to bargain. An unfair one but a bargain nonetheless. Quickly I analyze his retreating figure when something caught my eye. It was so fluffy I wanted to touch it so I knew what needed to be done. I focused on my objective and quickly rain towards his retreating figure. Then I jumped towards him. As I got closer I saw something glint in the light. So I shifted into a black cat, my sharp teeth grasped the velvety like fabric that made up the hat. Landing in front of him I started to run once again. I quickly looked back to see my clothes fluttering down behind the man. My under garments may have or may not landed on his shoulder.

Again I found myself running, which made my lungs start to burn. I ran until I was able to wedge my self under some thorns. My efforts were in vain because I found that the thorns were no match for the mighty swords man. So I ran up a tree which suffered the same fate as the thorns. After that I learned my lesson plants are not an optical for this man. So I ran into an opening that I had found near the cliff. This opening was small enough to fit an arm down, but luckily when the hat and I got inside I found it to be quite spacious. Not to spacious where one wrong move would have end with me plummeting into the ocean. But there was enough room for me to stand in my human form. I was hoping that he would not just slice the opening open which I definitely thought he would do. This time he hesitated which I could tell was not something that he did often. I heard him take a deep breath in and sigh.

"I am Dracule Mihawk one of the seven warlords, who are you?" He said frustration was evident in his voice.

"Ash Seki a unfortunate soul that is here because of circumstances not because of choice." I heard him hum in disinterest as he looked around.

"Seki Ash if you come out of there I will not inflict harm upon you." I shivered at his words, because I knew for a fact that he meant every syllable that left his mouth.

"No if I come out you won't hurt me and you wi let me stay in that fancy, smancy castle of yours." I said with all the fake confidence I could muster. I heard him sigh and mumble something about me acting like a child. "Hello still there?" I asked trying to get him to hurry with his decision.

"Fine." He finally grumbled I hollered in excitement. After shifting I squeezed myself and the hat out of the opening. I shifted back into human held the hat out to him with both hands. He snatched it from me and placed it back onto his head. Then glared into my soul I shifted from foot to foot nervously.

Then he started to walk so I followed. We ended up at the place where we first met he stuck his oversized blade into the brush and jerked it up words. My sheathed sword twirled up into the air. As it made its journey down he caught it perfectly. I felt my jaw loosen a bit about how smooth this man was. It made me wonder if he knew. My thoughts were not very long because he walked over to me and shoved the sword into my hands. Then he picked me up by my arm and began to drag me the opposite direction of the castle. 

"Hey buddy I don't know if you have a hard time with directions or something, but the castle is over there." I stated as I pointed towards the castle.

"My sense of direction is perfectly fine." He informed me. "We are not headed towards the castle we are headed towards the ocean."

"But you said that I could stay in the castle!" I exclaimed as I started to thrash around. His grip did not falter.

"I lied." I tried even harder to get out of his hands big just like my previous attempt I failed. Then I felt it the gravely sand under my heals. Panic began to grow.

"Listen man, you can not throw me into the ocean. I mean look at me I have animal ear I have obviously eaten a-" I was cut off as I felt myself go into the air but I was determined to notify that this could in fact kill me.

I felt it the heavy water prison that wrapped around me. Pressure was heavy on my chest as if it was purposely trying to pry the oxygen out me. I did not struggle or fight I knew that there was no use to. I lost I felt the sea win as I watched the bubbles of air float to the surface of the water. There was no flashes of my life like they said there would be. I just felt tired I was numb of emotion. There was no panic or regret I felt nothing. The last thing that I really felt before my eyes closed was how cold the sea was.

Stuck on Mihawk's island.... GreatDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora