What are you doing

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Red wine poured down on the two of us like a red net, the smell of alcohol filled my nose making the pounding inside my head worse. I rubbed my nose in an attempt to get rid of the strong smell but I only succeeded in making it worse. As my hands were covered in the thin, red liquid.

"What are you doing!?" He exclaimed as another flash of lightning and clash of thunder echoed painfully throughout my head. I tugged harshly at my ears as tears gathered in my eyes. I felt my face writhing with pain which seemed to only get worse.

"It hurts, it hurts, IT HURTS SO MUCH!?" I screamed my voice hitched as tears of pain roles down my cheeks. Then another clash of thunder came from out side. It rang through my temple, I could feel the sound vibrate painfully through my ears. Curling in on my self I whimpered my head rested in Mihawk's chest. I could hear his heartbeat, which did not falter but kept a steady pace. After a few seconds I heard his heart speed up. Then I felt his hands on my forearms. Which made me spring up to a sitting position. I looked out of the window behind him. When a flash of lightning struck flooding the room with light. It made me spring to my feet in surprise. I heard the unmistakable sound of glass shattering followed by the sound of thunder which made fall to my knees and grabbing my ears in pain. Something painfully embedded itself into my shins and knees. I did not back away from the pain because the pain in my head was greater.

Harsh hands yanked me up into an wobbly stand. The same hands grabbed me at my knees and shoulders. They effortlessly swept my feet out from underneath me. We walked for a minute in silence the ringing in my ears got quieter, although the pounding in my head and the smell of alcohol never faded. By the time we stopped walking we were in what I would assume was the middle of the castle in a room under the stairs. There were no windows, the only light came from oil lamps a set of two resided on every wall in the room. Candles on the table by the bed tried to aid the lamps in providing light for the dark room.

"This is the servant quarters, it is the only room that does not have any windows. I use it to patch up myself if I ever get injured." He explained his voice barely a whisper. But to me it sounded quite loud, which made me groan a bit.

Watching him dig around in his medical supplies. I imagined at some point in time this man sitting, where I sat currently, trying his best to stitch himself up. Even though not to long ago I wanted to pound his face in. The thought of him having to patch himself up was sad to me. He returned to the bed sitting with a chair and a tray with supplies on it. He stared at me for a moment as if he expected me to do something, I just stared back with a confused face. He sighed and set the tray on the table and threw my legs up on the bed making me lay down. Which made me realize how bad my legs really were. I focused on them as he began to unload the metal tray. There were countless shards of glass imbedded in my shins and knees. If I had to guess I would assume that this was going to be a long, painfully endeavor. Mihawk's expectant gaze met my eyes again, but this time I knew what he wanted so I laid back down. I heard him take the tweezers off the table. Feeling a painful tugging on my leg I flinched.

"You know I figured that your senses were more defined because of your ears," he said as he placed a shard in the tray. "But I never expected that they would make you become over stimulated to the point of pain that easily."

"Yeah I gu-ouch- it comes with the devil fruit." I said hissing in pain afterwards. He paused and reached for a few things. He sprayed me with a liquid that burned, which made me hiss in pain once again.

"You see that relatively thick strip of leather on the table?"

"Yeah, why?"

Stuck on Mihawk's island.... GreatHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin