Easier the Second Time

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After the door clicked closed I found that I could not hear anything over the sound of my heart beat. Which only seemed to get louder. Then it started to get harder to breath, I started to pant. Making a clear decision seemed impossible. I do not know how long I was in this state but I know when it ended. I heard that heavy, front doors being slammed closed. Stumbling to the kitchen door I opened it. But it costed me my balance. As the floor came closer I felt myself shift. I landed on all four paws. Moving forward up the hall I found a shelf that had a decent view of the entrance hall. Leaping onto it I laid down my tail flicked in anticipation.

"How uncute." A girl said as she looked around the room. As far as could tell she was in pretty rough shape. Her dress was splashed in mud, her tights were ripped and her shoes were caked in mud. Her pink hair was falling out of its high pigtails. And the stuffed bear she held was missing a few pieces.

"You are not staying here anyway." Mihawk commented. I could tell he meant every syllable. He looked around, his eyes seemed to scan the room. Which made me wonder if he was looking for me.

"No I was wrong, it's beautiful." She protested her arms waving around rapidly.

the girl seemed to float up and down the up stairs hall. I had a feeling that she was a devil fruit user. It seems she had an interesting one. I watched Mihawk walk past me heading towards the open kitchen door. I jumped down doing my best to keep my weight to the front of my body and off my sore back legs. Mihawk paused at the sight of my clothes and bandages plied up on the floor. Sighing, he pinched the bridge of his nose. I swatted at my shirt. His eyes meeting mine.

"I suppose I had to change your bandages anyway." He told me. He stepped over my clothes and walked into the kitchen. He grabbed a tray and three plates. After he made each plate he placed them on the tray. He then grabbed a bottle of wine and a glass, placing them on the tray as well. He added some sliver wear and started his way towards the door.

Eventually, we ended up in the dining area. He set the tray on the table. But he only took the wine and glass off the tray. Setting them both near the edge of the table near his favorite chair. Sitting down, he popped off the cork and pored the wine. Then sat back and opened his book.

I roamed around on the floor for a moment but grew tired of it pretty quickly. So I jumped up on to Mihawk's lap. He stiffened at my actions but nonetheless I curled up on his lap.

"Seki, I do not consider this very appropriate." He stated his hand started to grab my scruff. In an attempt to lift me off his lap. I responded by letting my claws press against his thigh. Allowing me to grip to his pants. Realizing that any attempt to relocate me would fail, he let go of my scruff and let me be. I unlatched my claws from the cloth and purred. He let out a sigh as his fingers grazed the fur on the top of my head. I leaned into his touch a bit, he stopped.

After a while of waiting the girl appeared again. She stood in front of Mihawk for a while. Only for him to ignore her. I flicked my tail in hopes that it would get him to a knowledge the girl. He lifted his head and slammed the book closed. He grabbed his glass of wine and took a sip. I swatted at the glass which was ignored by Mihawk.

"I hope you found everything you needed." Mihawk said his good manners made there usual appearance. "Feel free to sit where ever you like."

Mihawk gestured to the many chairs that lined the large, banquet table. The girl did not move to have a seat she remained in place. Her eyes were focused on me. Finally, she decided to take a seat she sat close, but with the table between her and Mihawk.

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