A few

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"Why aren't you scared of storms?" I asked as I huddled in the corner with a blanket over my head. It was naive really, how I believed that a piece of fabric would block out my fears. But what else could I expect from a 5 year old kid.

"I am not scared because the rain brings life to land." He spoke as if those were his words. But I knew then as I know now that those words were to old for him.

"Your Grandpa tell you that?" I asked trying to see if I could break his mature demeanor that he had adopted. Even though the only thing I could see of him was the frame of his figure I knew that he was saddened by my words.

"No my mom was the one who told me that." He said choking on his words. " The rains bring life to land and chaos to the sea-

I did not get to hear the rest because the sound of rain became louder. Something was off, I couldn't smell the sea, only the rain. I could not feel the rough patch of the varnished floor of the boat. In fact I could not feel any wooden planks. Instead, fabric softer than clouds was pressed against me on almost all sides.

"Where am I?" I ask mostly directed towards my self.

"The castle on Kuraigana island which belongs to Dracule Mihawk one of the Seven Warlords." A deep voice answered. Which made me shoot up out of bed as memories of yesterday came flooding in.

"You!?" I exclaimed pointing an accusing finger at him. "Threw me into the sea."

"That I did." He said his eyes never moved from his book. (And he'd do it again).

"What would you have done if I had died?!" I exclaimed continuing to point at him accusingly.

"Nothing, but I would assume that eventually fish would have eaten you at some point." He said his eyes did not waver from his book.

"What a cruel man."

"Say what you wish."

"When will you be leaving?" He asked his eyes still on his book. But they did not move from his spot on the page. He was more interested in my answer to his question, Then the words that were sprawled out on the pages.

"I don't have anywhere to go." I said as I tried to piece together my location to familiar places. But it seemed like I had never been around here before.

"That is not my problem, it's yours, one that you need to solve quickly." He said his eyes started to move down the page once again. I felt frustration well up inside me. I have not a clue to knew where I was. So I gave up. I knew he would not like that answer but I rather be stuck with him than be stuck out at sea without a destination.

"I think I will just stay here." I said when I finished my sentence I heard a book being slammed shut. Which made me flinch. His amber eyes narrowed in on me with a glare so cold I felt it travel down my spine.

"Not a option." He said in a voice so cold that it put icebergs to shame.

"Listen I have no idea where Kuraigana is I have never even heard of it up until just a few minutes ago. I don't know where I am and nothing is more dangerous than setting off to sea with no idea where you are going." I tried to reason with him the best I could. But he just looked at me with a stare that was void of emotion, which made a my mouth dry and my nerves over take my brain. He turned his back to me his boots could be heard moving across the glossy floor. When the sound of his boots stopped, I heard him slide something to the edge of the table. If I had to guess it was a piece of paper. Then he looked at it and then looked at me. He held the paper up for me to see. I felt my heart drop when I saw that the paper in his hands was my wanted poster.

"This is you is it not?" He asked as he leaned against the wall the paper still in hand. I nodded and looked down at my feet. "With a bounty this high danger must not be a stranger to you at all."

I felt anger rising to my face no doubt causing my face to turn a vibrant shade of red. In attempt to hide the red rage on my face. I focused my gaze on the marble tiles that decorated the floor like snow. As much as I hated to admit it his reasoning was right, which is what pissed me off. I heard his footsteps come closer until I could see his pointed boots in front of me. I felt his shadow cast over me as he leaned down his face not quite in line with mine. He leaned down enough so he was in my space but high enough so he could look down on me.

"But if you were to ask me I would be surprised that someone with your sword skills even has a bounty." I felt my face get even redder as my blood boiled in anger at his words. I wanted to look up and give him a cold glare but I did not. Instead I decided that the best thing to do was to just brush it off, act like it didn't bother me.

"I was self taught and besides, I barely use my sword." I said giving him a smile a fake on but a smile no less. All I could think about was my fist striking his face, repeatedly. But No matter how good it would feel to hit him, it would be foolish for me to do so.

"Is that so." He said as if the conversation just go boring he moved away from me. Turning to leave the room.

"By the way, you are right, I do dangerous things all the time." His posture seemed to straighten at my words. Although it was barely noticeable but I caught it. "Which is why I don't repeat mistakes twice, that makes sailing with out a destination out of the question."

"A person who can learn from there mistakes, interesting." His words were void of emotion. Which made it difficult to how I should take that statement. "You have two weeks, if you do not have a destination planned in that time I will throw you back in to the ocean."

"Yes sir, thank you!" I said as the smile grew on my face.

"Seki," he spoke his words contained a notable about of malice.

"Yeah?" I said uneasily as I turned to look at his figure that lingered in the door frame.

"I promise you that I will not be pulling you to the surface again." He stated the malice in his voice continued as he finally left my sight.

"I would have preferred you didn't the first time that way I wouldn't be dealing with your sour self." I said in a soft voice so he would not hear. "I am Dracule Mihawk, one of the seven losterlords, I like to threaten my guest."

I waited for a response but as you can imagine none came. I sighed realizing that mocking was not any fun if no body laughed. A lump gathered in my throat as I thought about the crew. Each and everyone of them I missed, it's only been a day. I sad on the floor in front of edge of the bed I thought through memories of the crew. I thought about the ship. Even though the ship looked shabby compared to this castle, it felt like home. The ship was warm and lively, there was always someone to do something with. Where this castle is cold, quiet and lonely. Instead of rough, oak wood planks there were smooth, marble tiles. The sound of waves and song. Instead  all that I could hear was the sounds of rain that pattered and dribbled down the roof. Although there was the occasional wind that would rattle the windows. As I sat there taking in my gloomy surroundings it happened the one thing that I always fear that the rain will bring.

A flash of blinding light followed by deafening claps that left my ears ringing and my head pounding. I threw myself to my feet and ran out of the room. Running down the hall, jumping the stairs I started to run again I passed a dining area where Mihawk sat in a chair drinking wine and reading. After I realized that I had passed him another bright light and loud clap followed. I turned on my heal and ran towards the dining area where I knew the man sat. Wasting no time I ran full force to Mihawk's chair and lunged my self forward. Which sent him, the chair and I to the floor.

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