13. Love

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The next day, I was with Cara.

"So what did you do yesterday when I had gone home?" Cara suddenly asked when we were watching a movie.

"Um... I went to the nightclub..." I said embarrassed.

"Again!? I thought you would tell me next time you were drunk..." she said disappointed.

"Yeah, but I wasn't drunk. I just met that girl from the other day, that's all I did yesterday." I said innocent.

"What girl?" she suddenly asked with surprise.

"Gigi. The one who was there when I threw up the other night..." I explained.

"That girl?" she asked.


"So are you two a thing or what?" 

"What!? Cara what are you talking about? I just met her yesterday." I said shocked by her comment.

"Okay, if you say so." she said and turned her head to the TV again.


"What?" she said and turned to me again.

"I will not let you think that. We are NOT a thing Cara! I like you, and you only." I reassured her.

"Okay then. Why don't we all go out and eat dinner tonight then? Just the three of us."

"What? Why would that make you feel any better?" I asked confused. This is just madness.

"Because if you are acting normal to each other, I know it's cool."

"Cara, don't you trust me?" I asked disappointed.

"Of course I do. That's why we should invite her tonight." 

Oh my god, I think Cara is freaking out here.

"Fine." I gave up. "But please Cara, you should know that I like you and you only." 

I kissed her and grabbed my phone. I called Gigi, and she sounded happy to get invited. I was happy to see her again too. 

So when the time was ready, Cara and I drove to the restaurant. We walked inside and sat down at our table. But one chair was still empty, until Gigi came.

"Hey guys!" she greeted. "I'm Gigi."


Gigi leaned in for a hug, but Cara just shook her hand and sat down again. I got a feeling that this night could get awkward.

So the dinner went on pretty well, until...

"I have to go to the bathroom," Cara excused and walked away.

"I just want to say thank you for inviting me tonight Kendall," Gigi said and came closer with her chair.

"It's nothing. I'm just happy that you wanted to." I said polite and smiled.

"No really, I am really happy that you called me." now she was sitting right next to me and our chairs were touching each other.

"Well... You're welcome." I said, a bit awkward.

"Kendall." she called out my name in my ear with a cold puff of air.

"Yes?" I turned around to meet her gaze, but I didn't. I just met her lips.

I was surprised by her sudden kiss, and I didn't really react that much. I know my eyes were closed, but my mouth were not moving at all. I couldn't really think clear. But then she put her hands in my hair, and I couldn't help but move my lips slowly against hers. 

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