Chapter 9: Let's Turn Up

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Zac Efron as Robbie

The next morning as said, Jerry and Robbie were here for me. The drive to their pack territory was about a 20 minute drive and well I fell asleep because I was still exhausted from the other night.

"We're here." A hand was on my shoulder shaking me awake.

"Oh, okay. Thanks for waking me Robbie."

Robbie gave me a grunt and got out of the car. The pack grounds were beautiful, just absolutely marvelous.

"Okay so here's the deal. Alpha won't be back until tomorrow from a meeting but he gave us instructions and that you will stay in the pack house." Says Jerry.

"Okay. Cool."

"And luckily you will have Robbie who lives there too and you have someone to hang out with."

I look up at Robbie who grunts and turns to me.

"Make sure not to fuck up okay?"

"Yes sir." I stand up straight and mimic a soldier stance. Jerry starts laughing while Robbie has an amusing look in his eyes. We head for the pack house and go inside, Jerry shows me to my room and surprisingly, it's next to Robbie's.

"Well I'll let you get settled in Sarah and see you in the morning."

"Okay cool, thanks Jerry."

Jerry left leaving Robbie and I alone. I look around admiring the room not noticing Robbie left. I stop in my tracks when I look at the wall. There..was a girl...hanging on the wall...only held up by a knife in her head...her whole abdominal section was cut up and organs hanging out. I let out a huge scream and fell to my knees.

Robbie ran in shirtless.

"What the fuck is wrong?!"

I didn't respond I could only watch as the girl on the wall hung there..her blood spilling and her dying breath then it stops and repeats over again. I pull my knees up to my head and hide but I just didn't do that. I could only watch. I couldn't pull my eyes away.

"Sarah, what the hell are you looking at?"

I slowly point to the girl on the wall and Robbie looks over then looks at me confused.

"Your freaking out cause the wall is blue?"

That's right Robbie can't see what I see. He doesn't have this burden I carry. He will never know what I see through my eyes. I feel strong arms go around me and pick me up. Robbie carried me out of the room and into his. He layed me down on his bed and put a small blanket over me.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. You just scared me when you screamed. Please tell me what you saw." I've never seen Robbie this nice. But then again, I only met him yesterday. I begin to tell him what I saw and the many other things I can see as a hybrid.

"Well shit. I'm glad in just a werewolf."

"You should, imagine being a little girl and seeing things like that around town and school."

We stayed silent for awhile before Robbie spoke.

"Well, how about we change rooms? I'll take yours since I can't see what you see and you can have my room since it's not..death like."

I couldn't help but burst out in laughter. No one not even my brother has made a joke like that.

"Robbie, I think we're gonna get along very well."

At that moment, I saw a huge smile go across his face.

"I would like that very much."

The rest of the day I was helping Robbie move his stuff out of his room and into his now new room. He even put a blanket over the wall so I wouldn't be scared. Then later we went to a furniture store and bought stuff to make my room feel like home.

I am really going to like it here.

Awww Robbie and Sarah are getting along so nicely. I'm so happy
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