Too Much To Drink

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Aries - Rowdy & Loud af

Taurus - Either being kicked out the club or carried out the club

Gemini - Drunk texts

Cancer - Thinks they're superman

Leo - Gets angry for no reason at all

Virgo - Keeps thinking somebody is out to get them

Libra - Hooks up with everybody

Scorpio - Commits 5 felonies

Sagittarius - Vomits everywhere & keeps trying to party

Capricorn - Is the coolest person around

Aquarius - Become weirdly sentimental

Pisces - Don't give a fuck about anything at all

*Shout out to all the Capricorns ! Happy birthday to all. It officially started Capricorn season on December 22. I'm January's very own.*
                              - Qveen.Kaya ❤♑

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