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*Mature Content*

Aries Problems - When you're having sex so rough you accidentally kill them and don't know where to hide the body.

Taurus Problems - When yo homie try and steal a french fry and you end up puttin mofo in an ambulance.

Gemini Problems - When opening your mouth gets you in more trouble than opening your legs.

Cancer Problems - When you remember something bae said on September 28, 1934, at 5:59pm and about 12 seconds, it puts you in a bad mood on date night.

Leo Problems - When you realize nobody loves you the way you love yourself, but it's koo because they jealous ass hoes anyway.

Virgo Problems - When you learn that mixing alcohol with the 16 different prescription drugs you're on isn't good for you, so you decide to pop a molly instead.

Libra Problems - When you have to jump through hoops over and over again to prove that you're not cheating, even when you been faithful the whole time.

Scorpio problems - When you can't ever have a 100% honest relationship because your jealousy scares everyone you deal with shitless.

Sagittarius Problems - When your manager keeps making you take a drug test at work even though you been completely sober your whole life.

Capricorn Problems - When you have to keep schoolin' mofos who are beneath you on how to behave.

Aquarius Problems - When you end up buying a fly swatter to shoo away all them thirsty hoes who never seem to go away.

Pisces Problems - When you already got engaged, married, had a honeymoon, and babies with a mofo who doesn't even know you exist.

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