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*Wow, I actually posts something about astrology for the first time lml. Enjoy* -Qveen.Kaya ❤♑.

Decans separate the sign into 3 different groups. They occur within roughly each 10 day period of the sign. Each 10 days of a sign are influenced by a different plant, which cause slight differences in personality within the same zodiac sign. Decans are the most compatible with each other when they are in the same group. For example all the first decans are more compatible with each other than a first decan and a second decan.

First decan - 1st 10 days of that sign

Second decan - 2nd 10 days of that sign

Third decan - 3rd 10 days of that sign

Aries Decan One - March 20 - 31
The "Omg I can't stop laughing and I don't know why."

Aries Decan Two - April 1 - 10
The "Ain't nobody got time foe dis."

Aries Decan Three - April 11 - 21
The "I'm solid and stable, but don't ever fuck with me."

Taurus Decan One - April 20 - 30
The 'Efficient Controller'

Taurus Decan Two - May 1 - 10
The 'Calm Hothead'

Taurus Decan Three - May 11 - 20
The 'Stable wild one'

Gemini Decan One - May 21 - 31
The 'Smarter than you think'

Gemini Decan Two - June 1 - 10
The 'More private than you know'

Gemini Decan Three - June 11 - 21
The 'Ubiquitous mind changer'

Cancer Decan One - June 21 - 30
The 'Worried about worrying'

Cancer Decan Two - July 1 - 10
The 'Sassy confident'

Cancer Decan Three - July 11 - 22
The 'Sweet and Sour'

Leo Decan One - July 24 - 31
The "I'm koo with you if you're koo with me."

Leo Decan Two - August 1 - 10
The "Why are you talking to me?"

Leo Decan Three - August 11 - 23
The 'Easy going tough guy'

Virgo Decan One - August 23 - 31
The 'Private party animal'

Virgo Decan Two - September 1 - 10
The 'Crazy, Sexy, Koo'

Virgo Decan Three - September 11 - 22
The 'On and off like a light switch'

Libra Decan One - September 22 - 30
The 'Quintessential nice guy'

Libra Decan Two - October 1 - 10
The 'Internal rebel'

Libra Decan Three - October 11 - 21
The 'Always shrugs it off'

Scorpio Decan One - October 23 - 31
The 'Psychic caretaker'

Scorpio Decan Two - November 1 - 10
The "I'll be watching you"

Scorpio Decan Three - November 12 - 21
The 'Shrewd catalyst'

Sagittarius Decan One - November 22 - 30
The 'Nonchalant hippie'

Sagittarius Decan Two - December 1 - 10
The 'Energizer bunny'

Sagittarius Decan Three - December 11 - 21
The 'Serious side effect'

Capricorn Decan One - December 22 - 31
The 'level headed partier'

Capricorn Decan Two - January 1 - 10
The "Are you serious, because I'm always serious."

Capricorn Decan Three - January 11 - 20
The "It's all good, but you would never know the full story."

Aquarius Decan One - January 20 - 31
The 'Keep it real, no drama'

Aquarius Decan Two - February 1 - 10
The 'Gets along with everybody'

Aquarius Decan Three - February 11 - 19
The "Doin my own thing, so what?"

Pisces Decan One - February 19 - 21
The 'Permanente adjustment'

Pisces Decan Two - March 1 - 10
The 'Empath with an attitude'

Pisces Decan Three - March 11 - 20
The "I don't even care anymore"

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