If The Signs Had A Meaning

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Aries : Verb
To win first place ; to achieve a smooth victory against all odds.

Taurus : Noun
the sedate, whirling rings within an exceptionally old tree's trunk.

Gemini : Verb
To speak as quickly & fluidly as a hummingbird's wings.

Cancer : Noun
The lingering trace of a thunderstorm -- water droplets on flowers, cold breezes, mud, fog, and dark clouds drifting away over the horizon.

Leo : Verb
To acknowledge one's own magnificence ; to compare thyself to a summer's day shamelessly and with Shakespeare dignity.

Virgo : Noun
Fragile trails of sunlight breaking through the clouds of an overcast sky.

Libra : Verb
To photograph every beautiful thing one sees ; to attempt to capture one's entire life within the camera lens for a fear of wasting it.

Scorpio : Noun
A painting of the dark ocean abyss, so real that you can drown in it.

Sagittarius : Verb
To drive down a barren road with no acknowledgement of the speed limit.

Capricorn : Noun
The condition or quality of standing alone in one's vast power.

Aquarius : Verb
To begin to understand naturally, without epiphany, guidance, or deliberate effort ; to take a lifetime to learn a life lesson.

Pisces : Noun
The inherent dream & duty of a *Messiah

*A leader of savior of a particular group or cause*

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