Chapter 2

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"Hello Mr. Hadley," President Snow says as I sit down in his office.

"Hello President Snow," I say looking up to see his eyes are already looking at me.

"I heard and seen Katniss, how are you doing?" He asks me.

"I haven't quite been able to see her, they don't want me too, she looks different and not the same. They don't want me to see her like that," I explain to Snow.

His face turns into a frown and he takes a glass of water and drinks from it. "Well, this must be horrible for you. I couldn't imagine seeing the girl I loved being away from me," he says.

I nod my head. He said loved. Not love.

"It hurts indeed," I say nodding my head. "What did you want to see me for sir?" I ask Snow his green eyes meeting mine.

"Well, I just wanted to ask you, if you plan on staying here in the Capitol with Katniss, or do you want to leave?" He asks me.

I look down at my hands and I think about every time someone says that name. HER name.

I see her crying for me helplessly. Begging me for help, but I just looked at her helpless as she begged me to save her.

She was strong, and I don't even know if she's still alive. "Cato," President Snow says and I realize I was in my own thoughts for a while.

"I don't know," I say and he looks at me and nods his head a look of understanding in his eyes. "Tell you what, how about you stay here and be here for Katniss?" He asks me.

Her name, it's hurting me. Pain floods in my head and all pictures and memories of her come to me and I wince in pain.

"Mr. Hadley are you alright?" He asks me, "Is this about Katniss?" He asks me.

That's when I break down. Her, her name, her face, her eyes, her personality, everything about her.

I feel pain in my head as I think about her. I suddenly black out, and my last thought was of her smile, the one I seen so rarely.

Haymitch pov.

"He what?" I ask shocked into the phone.

"He blacked out, when I said her name," President Snow told me.

"Thank you for telling me," I say and he says "Your welcome," and I hang up.

I sit back down in the chair and take Katniss's hand carefully.

No one will ever recognize her again.

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