Chapter 5

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A week and every time I see Katniss she looks at me and glares and then walks the opposite direction. What has happened to her? I don't know.

I'm hoping that maybe if I give her space and let Haymitch take care of her maybe it'll help us and she'll come back to me.

But that's a big if.

"Hello Cato," Effie says putting a hand on my shoulder as I sip on my coffee in the workout room in my house. Or me and Katniss's house in the Capitol that we're staying at.

"Hey," I say still in my thoughts about Katniss. I mean, how long will it take her to love me again?

"Katniss asked about you," Effie says and that's what makes me snap out of my thoughts.

"What'd she ask?" I ask Effie and she shakes her head leaning over the metal bar to the balcony of the grand staircase.

"She asked me if you care about her," Effie says quietly that I can hardly hear her and I sigh running a hand through my hair.

"I love her," I say and all the emotions from the mutts in the games and watching her get tire apart run through my mind and suddenly I feel sick.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" Effie asks me and I shake my head before running to the nearest bathroom.

Then I puke.

"You should really put a cold rag on your head to cool your fever down," Katniss says walking into the room with a wash cloth and a bucket of water.

She puts the wash cloth in the water and then puts it in my forehead and cheeks.

I look at her intently watching her eyes which are emotionless. I stare into the eyes that haven't met mine yet.

Then suddenly she looks at me, no glare, no scowl, no rude remarks, no mean comments, and no smirk.

Now that she has an emotionless expression I actually look at her.

She looks tired, and she has a small smile on her lips.

A smile. Finally.

"I heard you and Effie," she says and I sigh.

"That was sweet, saying you love me. Thank you," she says and kisses my cheek.

She stands up and before I could say a response she shuts the door but I hear her mutter five words that make me smile.

"I love you too Cato."

Catoniss: Love UntouchedWhere stories live. Discover now