Chapter 3

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I wake up in a waiting room. All I remember is blacking out. I stand up and walk to Katniss's room, just as Haymitch walks out and I see him wipe away at his face.

He's crying.

"If you go in there, you'll see why no one will ever recognize her again," Haymitch says and walks past me and starts crying again.

I carefully walk up to her hospital room door, and put my hand on the handle.

No one will ever recognize her again.

Haymitch's words run through my head as I open the door and walk in. I see a body on a hospital bed just lying still, no movement.

The long brown hair, and the persons face glows with a large scar going from her hair line on the right side of her face down to her chin.

The scar stops in between the eye so she still has an eye, and her lip and nose has the scar.

Her hand has a big deep scar that goes from her finger tips to her elbow from trying to stop the mutts.

Then the most horrible thing, is when you look at her, her arm has a THG scar. Meaning The Hunger Games.

Then her stomach, oh her stomach. Its got a huge wrap on it but there's still a cut you can see.

I walk up to her and she looks beautiful and so very different. I wouldn't even recognize her if I didn't know her as well as I do.

I touch her hand and there's no movement.

I sit down and I watch her, I watch waiting for her eyes to open but I see nothing.

Soon, Haymitch walks in with water. I go to ask him what the waters for and he looks at me and starts talking.

"Katniss is supposed to wake up, and I'm going to warn you, she's not gonna be the same as she used to be. She will act and look a lot different," he explains and he looks sad so I nod my head.

"Kat, sweetheart, it's Haymitch I'm gonna wake you up okay?" He says quietly to her and then starts unplugging some machinery.

He then takes some water in his hand and puts it over her forehead and eyes and soon I see her hands clench and her eyes open.

Her once grey eyes, are black and cold. I look at her shocked an Haymitch takes a few steps back.

Her eyes look at him and they soften then her eyes flicked to mine, and they turn cold, harsh, and their filled with distrust.

That's what I deserve, distrust.

"Kat, how about some water?" Haymitch asks and her eyes stay with mine as she speaks.

"Sure, it would be nice," she says in a hollow tone and then she looks at him and sits up but then winces.

"Hey, it's okay your not supposed to be able to sit up or walk yet," Haymitch says softly and sits beside her and gives her a cup of water.

He acts like her father, it's kind of sweet.

She goes to grab it but winces. So he smiles softly and she drinks the water.

"Your gonna learn how to walk, eat, and write again tomorrow," Haymitch says.

I look down.

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