Chapter 9

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"Okay, nice to see you guys again!" President Snow says smiling at all of the people standing in the room.

All the victors from the games can't stand Snow so they are rebelling with District Thirteen against the Capitol.

Sad thing is, Katniss doesn't know that District 12 got bombed. Which also means she is not going to be very easy to trust.

"The rebellions are coming tomorrow morning and their making a plan that we don't understand right now! But, we will make our own plan. Now, I will send everyone with papers of what group you'll be in and everything like that! You may go, except for Katniss. I need to talk to you," President Snow says slowly but clearly.

I look over at Haymitch very confused but I meet a very confused Haymitch looking at me with question.

I shake my head and he looks down frustrated. Effie walks up to him and whispers stuff in his ear but the confusion on his face grows even more.

I look around and spot Katniss in all white, her long brown hair down in waves.

She's walking up to President Snow and he grabs her arm looking around and then takes her into the corner of the room by peacekeepers and some of them guard Katniss and President Snow so no one can see what's going on.

~Katniss Pov.~

"Your the leader of this rebellion. Your on our side okay?" President Snow asks.

"Okay," I say.

"Do you want to have treatment so you get your memory back?" He asks and I shake my head.

"You can do that?" I ask him.

"Oh yes I can, do you want it?" He asks and I nod my head.

"I can remember my family and everything," I say smiling a little and he smiles.

"Of course you will," he says.

"Okay, I'll have the treatment," I say and he smiles.

"The treatment comes from District two I think," he says and smiles.

"Okay," I say and he smiles again.

"Have a good day Ms. Everdeen," he says and I nod my head and walk away.

Haymitch walks up to me but I gnome everybody and leave. I want to go home. But where is home?


I sneak out of my house in the Capitol and run to the hospital. This is where I'll have my treatment for my memory loss.

"Good morning Ms. Everdeen," nurses and doctors say as I walk through the hospital and to the room I'm supposed to go to.

I answer them with a nod of my head and soon I'm at the hospital room.

I open the door and see many machines. A woman in all grey and long red hair looks at me and smiles.

Why is she wearing all grey?

"Hello Ms. Everdeen," she says and I nod my head at her. She looks young.

"I'm from District 13, but don't worry I'm okay," she says and motions to the seat.

"Sit down," she says and I do.

She keeps looking around the room as if someone might walk in.

She stabs me with something before I can see what's going on and then she starts talking.

"You were born in District Thirteen. You are the daughter of President Coin. Cato wants to kill you. District twelve was bombed by Snow. Your sister was killed as was your mother. Cato didn't help you because he wants to kill you. You are a fighter Katniss, and a winner. Never trust Effie, Snow, or Cato. Cato is a Capitol mutt," she says and I start feeling dizzy.

"Hey what are you doing here? How did you get in the Capitol!?" A peacekeeper yells and I hear a gunshot.

But I black out before I see anything.

~Cato Pov~

"What? Tracker Jacker venom? How did she get in the Capitol?" Haymitch asks on the phone and he starts crying.

"I'll be right there," he says and grabs my arm and drags me to the hospital.

"Where are we going?" I ask but he ignores me.

We stop at a big window and I look in to see Katniss sleeping but she has a busted lip, and stitches on her forehead.

"Excuse me," a doctor says and walks in the room.

Haymitch walks in with him but locks the door so I can't go in.

"Watch," he says through the door and I nod.

The doctor walks up to Katniss and shakes her slowly then backs up just as Katniss's fist punches him in the knee.

Her eyes fly open and what I see shocks me.

Her grey eyes aren't black. She has fire in them. The fire is black.

A tear falls down my cheek and I smile at the girl in that chair.

"Katniss," Haymitch whispers and Katniss looks up.

"Haymitch," she says through gritted teeth and try's to hit him but the doctor holds her down.

"Leave!" The doctor tells Haymitch and he leaves the room just as the doctor lets of Katniss.

I stand at the clear window and Katniss stands up.

She cracks her knuckles and then walks up to the window I'm standing at.

She stares at me and then before I notice her fist breaks the glass and comes in contact with my nose.

"Capitol mutt."

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