The Birth of Pluto

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16 Billion  Years Ago.

Venus stormed off to the sound of Mercury's laughter. He had just started teasing her about her hair, which for once in her life was messy. "That planet Hamas serious problems!" She muttered to herself angrily. As Venus kept walking, unsure where she was going, she noticed a young girl hovering outside a door that Venus had never seen before. She was tiny, barely over a metre tall. Her hair was long and ink black, reaching her waist. "A new planet!" Venus thought to herself, Mercury forgotten. "Hello! What's your name?" Venus asked the girl. She trembled. "I'm not going to hurt you, okay? I'm Venus." Venus said, trying to keep calm. The girl looked at her with big brown eyes, then ran inside her room. Soon after, a Moon walked out of her room. "That was my lady Pluto. She is extremely shy. Please forgive her." It said formally. Venus nodded, flustered. She had no Moons herself, so she rarely knew what to say to them. Giving up, she walked away, waving over her shoulder at Pluto's Moon. It waved back, then went inside. Venus hummed to herself happily. She had discovered a new planet! Pluto.  Tomorrow, Venus decided, she would go see her.

Venus next saw Pluto at the Planet Gathering, two weeks later. Every time Venus knocked on Pluto's door, her Moon told her that Pluto wasn't receiving visitors, and apologised for any inconveniences. Venus sighed. She hoped Pluto found a friend soon. A tiny planet like her would be the perfect fodder for Mercury. "Agh!" Mercury screamed. Venus looked over at him. Pluto let go of his hair and let him stand up, then kicked him in the face. Venus stared. Mercury sobbed. Pluto looked at the other planets, and hid behind her Moon. Venus noticed that there were four other Moons she had never seen before there. She realised that Pluto must have five moons, rather than just the one like she'd thought. Her thoughts were interrupted by Earth. His laughter boomed through the area contagiously. Soon, six of the planets were laughing or chuckling. "I say! I've never seen any planet beat up Mercury so well, or so easily." Earth laughed. "Welcome to The Planetarium, Pluto!"

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