Isolation on Planet Mercury

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Mercury blushed as Venus kissed his cheek. He didn't understand why she did things like that, however, he assumed it was part of her nature. Familiar laughter echoed through the hall. "Ahh! The little lovebirds are at it again!" Jupiter laughed. Venus rolled her eyes, but Mercury scowled.
"Good morning to you too." He spat angrily. Jupiter smiled.
"Why don't you just admit you love her? You won't feel so bad then." Jupiter chuckled. Mercury slapped him.
"That's rich, coming from mister 'I-can't-do-anything-by-myself'!" Mercury snapped. Jupiter scowled at the comment.
"I may take inspiration from others, but at least I admit my feelings." He snarled.
"I do admit my feelings! I find Venus nice but quite confusing." Mercury said, frowning.
" Yeah! You're confused because you love her. You're too dumb to realise it!" Jupiter howled. Mercury sighed.
"At least I can see what's in front of my face. I have no idea why she kisses me all the time. I do love her, but she is my little sister. Not whatever the Planetarium you think she is." Mercury said tiredly. Jupiter looked shocked.
"You want to date your little sister?" He asked in mock disgust. "Filthy!" He laughed again.
"Screw this!" Mercury yelled suddenly. "I refuse to be surrounded by these fools!" He turned around and walked away, slamming his door behind him with a satisfying crash. Perhaps it was immature, but Mercury didn't really care. He was sick and tired of Jupiter's rumbling and he was taking matters into his own hands. "I'm not going to come out until Jupiter grows up." He told himself. He waited 150 years.

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