Earth's Diary, Part 2

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Monday, 28th December.
I woke up this morning thinking about how strange the Planets around me are. They have changed so much since I first appeared here.
When I first arrived, I had a very different view of each planet. Mercury, when I first appeared, was more mature, kinder, more like an older brother. Now, he is mischievous and immature. I feel sure that Saturn's influence has helped with that transformation, though he has always had a teasing side to him.

Venus seems to have left her workshop a little more. She is less irritable, and will actually accept help from people who she likes, generally myself, Mars, Pluto or Neptune. She holds the official title of Neptune's babysitter, which is surprising considering her temper. She has a soft spot for him though.

Mars is tougher than she was when she appeared. She can hold her own in a fight, my precious little Planet. I can't help but feel proud of her. When she first appeared, she would cry and run away if you so much as looked at her angrily. Mercury didn't help either, with his constant teasing. So I guess he has always been that sort of person.

Jupiter was naive and easily influenced. He hero-worshipped me, and he was very sweet. Now, though, thanks to Mercury, and later Saturn, he is rude and obnoxious, and seems to believe he owns the world. He brags a lot, as he is the biggest planet, and has the most Moons, which makes me both irritated and sad.

Saturn used to be a sweet little girl. She was born while Mercury had closed himself away, so she didn't meet him until 100 years after her birth. She was sweet and kind, though she could be a little rascal at times, and wouldn't hurt a fly. After she met Mercury, her mischievous streak came to the fore and she started to bully the other Planets with Mercury. I believe she is in love with him, which would explain the abrupt change.

Neptune is a daydreamer. He has his head in the clouds, and he rarely comes down. Venus babysits him so that he doesn't accidentally hurt himself. She makes sure he is fed and clean and happy. He was actually the reason why Mercury hid himself away for 150 years.

Uranus is Jupiter's sidekick. That's basically all I can say about him. He has never been different. If Jupiter blocks a Planet's way, Uranus is helping him. If he decides to take a nap, Uranus sleeps on his floor. He has always been like that.

Pluto, the littlest Planet. She is extremely sweet and helpful, but she is extraordinarily shy. She can hold a conversation now though, once you start it. She no longer hides behind her Moon Charon, like she did as a baby. She is the best of all of us, I believe, and I hope she stays that way.

I myself have changed a lot. When I was smaller, I created values for myself and stuck to them rigidly. I was like my humans' Nazi soldiers. I would not budge from my beliefs and habits. Now, though, I feel I have loosened up quite a lot. I no longer hold myself so rigidly. I can take time to relax and enjoy my world.

I'm glad I grew up in the Planetarium. I feel that I would not get as much out of life as I do if I was elsewhere.

Earth's Diary, Part 2, end.

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