Diary Of A Blue Planet, Part 1

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Wednesday, 30th December.
6:33 am.
I started writing in this diary because Venus said I should. Venus is my babysitter. She keeps the air around my head clear to daydream, despite opposition. Personally, I wonder why. Though I wonder about everything. Why must we orbit the sun? Why can't we stay still? Why can't we visit the other solar systems? Why don't we get sick? Why can't population see us? Why do they see a boring, black expanse? Maybe I can get some answers. But they will only create more questions. Why do I question things? Why don't I, like the other Planets, simply go along with things?
Earth says his humans get quite philosophical sometimes. They ask things like "what is life?" and "Why do we exist?" I wonder though, if they knew about us, would they expect us to have those answers? I asked Venus that. She said that they probably would. I wonder why? Why is it in humans' nature to ask why? Why is it in their natures to expect an answer from beings higher than them? Problem is, they don't seem to realise that we don't have the answers either. Who has the answers? No one. No one can have all the answers. Only a few.
But who to talk to ? Where to get the answers? I talk to Venus, she can't give me many. I tried to ask Jupiter, but he brushed me off, calling me a crazy weirdo. Can I talk to Earth? He might tell me. Mars, too, is kind. But I want to talk to Pluto. Pluto, who is so small the humans call her a dwarf planet. Pluto, who is shy and sweet and innocent. Yes, I will talk to Pluto. But will she talk to me?

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