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All sound is blocked out

as the water seals above my head.

My eyes see in blue and white

light and dark.

All hope is gone

oh, how far I am from home!

Drowning, a voice in my head echos.


My chest tightens around my beating heart.

My eyes look upward at the patch of white that is my last hope.

But I can't swim

I never could.

I have always hated water.

I begin to lose hope

as my throat stiffens.

My eyes look up once more as I breathe my last.

I will never return home

I will never see my beloved again.

I will never sit on the hearthrug and tell of my adventures to my children.

A hand reaches out of that white pool of light

and I am lifted, coughing and sputtering, to the surface once more.


Author's Notes

This poem is based on a scene in The Fellowship of the Ring, in which Frodo is attempting to escape the fellowship in a boat and Sam chases after him, ignoring the fact that he can't swim. As I watched Sam begin to drown, I was reminded of my own fear of drowning even though I can swim. But I relaxed when Frodo's hand broke the surface of the water and pulled Sam to safety. I felt like I had almost drowned and then been rescued, so I began to type out of gratitude.

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