Inspirational excerpt #1

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This is an excerpt from a book that is on Wattpad, but this has not gone into it yet. Yay, preview!

"Today I look out and see many different people. Different colors, different eyes, different hair, different body shapes. Different ages, different cultures, different backgrounds, different beliefs. We are different, and yet on the inside we are all the same. We all have a heart, a soul, a brain, thoughts, feelings emotions. So learn to love your differences and not let them get in the way. 

"It is not an easy task that I ask of you. Many a night, I have looked at myself in the mirror and asked; 'What's wrong with me, why was I born like this?' But I ask every man, woman and child who is now sitting before me to take this task onto their own shoulders. It will require effort, struggle, spirit, but in the end we shall overcome. It will require time and patients. Martin Luther King did not become a famous social activist over night. Clara Barton did not found the Red Cross over night. Harriet Tubman did not become a famous conductor of the Underground Railroad over night. Just like I did not overcome all these challenges with ease.

"There have been many times when I did not want to know the end, because how could it be good when so much bad had happened? But I overcame, they overcame, we shall overcome. Whether your ears are pointed or rounded, whether your hair is straight or curled, whether your black, white, red or yellow. Whether your eyes are blue, green, grey or brown. Whether you are a man, woman or child. One day we'll all be free and proud to be under the same sun. One day all this will change, there will be no more violence, no more hate. And together, we can make that one day tomorrow."~Izzy Greenfield

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