A Word To The Rich Girl

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A World To The Rich Girl

A word to the rich girl

Who thinks she's the center of the world

She wouldn't touch a fake pearl

Spends a thousand dollars for a single curl

Nordstrom clothing always on

"Won't wear that shirt, it came from Amazon!"

She won't shut up about when she was on

A hairspray commercial in Hong Kong

Does no one else see something wrong?

A word to the rich girl, where have you been

When daddy picks you up is his Mercedes Benz

You never notice the beggars on the street ends

Up since dawn just to make a few cents

Gotta tear down that white picket fence

Then shut your mouth and listen to sense

Those folks you'll never greet

They can't even make ends meet

Some sleep on the street

Every night in defeat

While you complain that you get to eat

A leaf of lettuce or slice of beet

Some people would kill for a scrap of meat

A word to the rich girl trashing those bills

That cash saves more lives than your fancy frills

People are dying from toxic pills

Mother's out there can't pay the bills

To save their children from deadly chills

It's time you acquired some listening skills

To here the young ones in the night

Screaming in fright

Not a friendly face in sight

Because of you they're losing this fight

Your own inability to do what's right

Keeps children like them on the streets tonight

A word to the rich girl telling white gold lies

Dollar signs in her eyes

Her and a million allies

They don't hear our cries

A figure to despise

I heard she runs from fireflies

'Cause they're to buggy for her rich guise

Did she ever look to the bright blue skies

And pray, "dear God, please open my mind's eyes"

I don't care that you can't flirt

So what if Diplo didn't sign your shirt

My friend can't even buy a skirt

And me, my house is becoming dirt

My bank account is nearly inert

But I don't care that I'm dirt poor

You and you're kind should kiss the floor

And get on your knees for what we stood for

Giving all we had or more

To draw the wolves back from the door

And you can't look at that shirt I wore

All because it came from a different store

Than one you would give a high score

A word to the rich girl afraid of a zit

You ain't seen shit

If we swapped lives you'd throw a fit

You'd up and quit

'Cause you've gotta have grit

To take a deep breath and sit

Bite the bullet we bit

Using courage and wit

To rise and push through it

Bit by little bit

And I'll admit

Some days I can't commit

I just wanna submit

My application to leave it

But I say I'll do it

I'll dig myself out of the pit

You wouldn't even get in it

Brother dropped your devices

Sister thinks lice are lices

There are no clothes with high prices

You haven't seen a real crisis

These are only the nicest

Of fate's many spices

Spices you won't eat

Just 'cause they're not sweet

They fall at your feet

You have only deceit

I see the cycle repeat

With every heartbeat

For me it's true defeat

To watch the rich lead plastic lives

Get big daddy husbands and trophy wives

How about a real prize

Better than gold in my eyes

Help those around you to rise

A word to the rich girl dancing in hell

Yes, hell

Can't you tell

That's what awaits you if you don't treat us well

You can't be saved by no spell

Can't hide in no well

Because every



You hit us

We fell

When will you learn that we're here as well

Rich girl, do me a favor

Do not waver

You can be braver

Lord, save her

There will be much labor

And little leisure

Make it your greatest endeavor

Forever and ever

Give up some pleasure

Never bitch to me again

Not now not ever

No more stormy weather

Never ever ever

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