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How can you survive


 Grasping for air

With freedom so close and yet so far

How can you go on



Knowing that others are free

But they are not you

How can you live


Hidden from the world

As the wind howls and curses your name

How can you make it

Knowing your days are numbered

Counting down until the day they come for you

Because you are different

Because you are not like me

How do you survive


Clawing for breath

Hiding your life and all that it meant

Because they are afraid

How do you go on


Listening to the voices of those who are free

Dreaming, imagining

But they won't let you have it

For you are not like them

How do you live

Seeing death

Seeing pain and suffering

As you remember me

On the other side of the fence

How do you make it

On a dream

On a memory of flight

But your wings have been clipped

And you can no longer soar

Because they do not let you

How do you see me


Aloof, soaring above the clouds

And say

After all these years

"One day, that will be me"

Is there something I don't know



As you continue to survive

And I thrive

Because I am one of them

Is there a green shoot in the rock

A light in a starless sky

A hope

A Promise

Is there anything for you

In a world of steel and stone

That gives you what it takes to make it

To survive

In honor of the six million Jews who were killed during the Holocaust.

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