Day Four (Part One)

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A low groan rose from Ryan's throat as he slowly regained his consciousness, his head and overall body aching with a dull throb no matter how he moved; or didn't. There was a very quiet noise buzzing in Ryan's ears, a melody of some sort, but he couldn't make out exactly what it was. It sounded almost like a guitar. Ryan couldn't be absolutely sure since the primary thing he heard was the beating of his heart in his head as though he had some incredible hangover. Ryan doesn't really drink though; not since after he got incredibly wasted one night back in Vegas and Pete thought it would be funny to take advantage of Ryan's inebriated state. He had gotten an expensive hotel room, trashed it, and paid hookers to stay in there so when Ryan woke up he thought he had slept with them. Pete accused Ryan of cheating on him, waiting until Ryan was practically in tears before telling him it was a joke.

No, Ryan really doesn't drink anymore.

Ryan's head felt incredibly weighted down and he managed to pry one eye open, his vision blurry which was typical when he first wakes up. After blinking a few times, the other eye opening in the process, Ryan's vision cleared enough for him to lose the fuzzy haze around everything his eyes focused on; though he had no idea where he was. The ceiling was not the ceiling of the hotel where he had spent the past few nights staring himself to boredom but rather a nicer looking ceiling arching up into a point with a fan hanging down just over where Ryan lay, moving at a very leisurely pace just to keep the air circulating. It reminded Ryan of the cabin he was in for summer camp when he was younger.

The only thing Ryan remembered about the previous night was being on the beach and playing volleyball. That's probably why his body ached; he should have stretched first. Little details such as stretching slipped his mind though as he was preoccupied with staring at the man across the sand from him. He couldn't remember winning, or even losing for that matter, or what he did after. All he remembered was staring at Brendon and he hoped that he didn't make a fool of himself because, well, Ryan has a tendency to speak before he thinks, often embarrassing him and everyone else around him.

Sitting up, Ryan became painfully aware of just how bad his body hurt; especially his head. It was killing him. He shut his eyes and placed his face in his hands, groaning once again into his palms this time because he had never had a headache so bad before. It felt as though something was being forced through his skull and into his brain, an unbelievable amount of pressure making his head feel reading to explode. Ryan couldn't take it so he fell back against the what he assumed was a bed, the mattress comfortable and the blanket soft as he turned onto his side and pressed his face into it, trying to get back to that dull ache stage he awoke to. At the moment, his head temporarily consumed all the pain he had felt in the rest of his body.

There was a light, consistent pattern of little tapping noises drifting to Ryan, growing louder and closer. When they stopped there was a soft creaking noise that irritated Ryan all the same so he lifted his arm enough to let it rest over his ear, hoping that by at least muffling the noise that his headache would go away. "Ryan?" A hesitant yet recognizable voice entered the room, Ryan forcing an eye open again to see William standing a few feet away from him, half in the room and half outside, a concerned look on his face. "Hey; you're finally awake." he smiled, pushing open the door a little more to slide his entire body inside, dressed only a plain white v-neck with an unzipped purple hoodie and a pair of boxers. "How do you feel?" Bill asked as he walked to the bed and carefully sat down on the edge, barely moving Ryan to his relief.

"Like shit." Ryan spoke into the blanket beneath him. Will made a very soft laughing noise, pushing his hair from his face. "Wha' 'appened?"

"Well..." William exhaled a bit dramatically and looked at his hands which were playing with the ends of the hoodie he wore; even if it really wasn't all that cold. "You and Brendon were playing volleyball, it was four-four, which is completely amazing, by the way; you really have talent to have kept up with him." Ryan shut his eye again. "Brendon ended up hitting the ball really hard and it went flying your face and kinda...took you out..." he quietly spoke, almost as though he was afraid to say it out loud. "I mean, you won, because the ball bounced off your face and over the net again but you were out cold and it was kind of freaky."

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