Chapter 1

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Today was the day I started school for my 4th and final year. I was putting up a few posters in my dorm when another girl walked into my room.

"Hello?" she said aloud to me.

I turned around and she continued to talk. "I'm Rey. I think we're living together?"

"Hi!" I dropped everything that I was doing and hugged Rey "I'm Amethyst" Rey didn't know whether to hug me back given she just met me.

Slowly she hugged back. This made me happy. "So do you want me to show you around? Or do you wanna take it slow?" I asked

"I'll take it slow. Thank you." Rey smiled softly. Rey picked up her bag and went into her respective room.

When I was done in my room I got a message to meet my boyfriend at his dorm. I got down from my desk and went to tell Rey I was leaving. Knocking at her door she turned to look at me "Hey! I'm gonna run off for a little bit" my hand was clutching my phone tightly, "I'll be back soon. Promise, and after we can go to some of my fav places to go" I winked and disappeared.

I was currently sneaking around in the teachers dorms to a certain one. The dorm I was at was the furthest away from all teachers and a little bit of a hassle to get to. In the end it was all worth it. Taking out the key I fit it into the lock and quickly rushed inside. Locking it again behind me.

"Kylo" I called softly.

I was suddenly pinned to the wall "my dear Amethyst" he cooed

"Hi honey" he leaned down, and I kissed him. He kissed back and ran his fingers through my hair. I circled my legs around what I thought was his waist. He picked me up and put me at his actual waist. "Missed you" I said between kisses

"Shut up" he growled as he lead us the the bedroom. Clothes shed almost instantly, only the sounds of heavy breathing and love were heard.

When finished I freshened up in his bathroom and left. "Bye Kylo" I said. He only nodded.


It had only been 39 minutes and I appeared again. "Ready to go get lunch. I'm starving" I smiled as I rushed into my room to get my purse. "We need to stop at the main desk to get your ID and lunch pass. They told me that. Cool laptop, where'd you get it?"

"I don't know. It was given to me" she shrugged.

We left our dorm. Locking it behind us. "Here" I handed Rey a key on a lanyard. "This is your copy. Don't want you to get locked out. I'm not always here since I have to get tutoring."

"I thought you would've been the tutor"

"No. I'm not the smart one." I laughed, taking Rey's hand and jogged to the lift.

"So when we get my ID-"

"They will also give you a list of your classes. So far you only have the map and room number. I know. Why didn't they just give everything to you at once. Well apparently that's to keep everything in line. It doesn't make sense to me, but I don't run a school so whatever"

I talked on and on about what the school was like. Rey only half listened.

"Hello" I greeted the front desk worker "I have brought Rey for her ID and lunch pass"

"Yes, Mrs Organa also wants to see her."

"Ok" I turned to my roommate "the principal wants to see you"


"I don't know. Have fun. She's super nice."

Rey followed the receptionists directions and went into the office that she was told to go into.


My Teacher, My Lover, My Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now