Chapter 19

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I had to make dinner tonight. Since Leia was busy, Han cannot cook to save his life, and Luke was wherever. I put Anakin and Sapphire in a swing and washed my hands. Putting on some music I started to take out things from the cupboards.

Chicken was the easiest option. So taking out the raw meat I started to prepare it. Kylo walked in.

Without my instructions he started to wash vegetables. "You don't need to do anything hon." I looked over my shoulder.

"Shh" he circles his arms around my waist. His chin on my shoulder. "I want to help you." He kissed my neck and left. Continuing what he was doing before. I washed my hands again and used tongs to handle the raw food at this point.

I started to fry the meat and watched Kylo cook the other food. He was quick and wasted nothing. He threw the veggies in with the chicken and washed his hands. He grabbed mine and started spinning me around the room to the music. It wasn't even a slow song but he decided it was time to slow dance.

"We should practice our waltz."

"No we don't. We aren't having a huge wedding. We are signing a few papers and having dinner. That's the end of it." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Nonsense." He smirked. "I'll show you off to all my colleges." He spun me around. "And how I got the hottest student ever." I blushed harshly and turned from him. Flipping the chicken. Starting again he lead me in a dance. I put my head on his chest and just swayed with him.

The moment calm. It was just right.


I was in the library after dinner. The twins were asleep with Kylo. I needed a break. Currently I was reading some cheesy tween novel. Middle school romance was really funny to read about.

Rey stepped into the room, she was spent. "Dinner hard?" I asked. She jumped a little but looked back at me. "That's why you learn to eat quickly."

"Why do you eat quickly? We barely sat down by the time you left"

"I hate people watching me eat. I'm not sure where it started but it was easier to get it over with quickly than sitting in an empty room." I looked at her "And Kylo is a naturally fast eater. Given this started after his 'no body understands me' period"

Rey sat down next to me. "Did you ever tell your mother?"

"I don't have a mother, Leia is my mother. My mother disowned me when she found out my children were in the intensive care unit. She left angry and I watched my children suffer. No one was happy."

"You're happy now right?"

"Yes. Incredibly. I have an actual family. I have people that care about me. Aren't you?"

She nods. She didn't know what to do with her life. She was so confused. She thought she knew but she doesn't know what to do.

I pat her leg "If you ever just need to cry or something, you can always hide in my room. Kylo can go sulk else where." She laughed a little and nodded. I put the book down and left the library. I have to prepare for graduation.


The house was silent the next day. Kylo was working and I was left with the twins.

They slept most of the time, little trails of drool falling out of their mouths. Both had full heads of hair. Obviously taking that from Kylo.

I sighed. I'm a teen mom, there isn't much I can do. Online school was an option. "What am I even doing?" I leaned back on the bed, falling asleep, I haven't realized that I needed to sleep.


When I woke up it was night time. Kylo was back, when did he come back? He was tending to Anakin. He was the obviously more needy twin. Sapphire started to cry. I picked her up and she was quiet. "I'll walk around with her." I said to Kylo. He nodded. I checked my phone and it was really late. 10 pm. How did I sleep that long. Did the kids get changed? And fed?

Before I knew it, I was by Reys door. I heard crying. I wanted to knock then it went away. Soft snoring was behind the door instead. I moved away from her room and went back to my own. It seemed as if everyone else was sleeping. It was quiet.

"Kylo. Why didn't you wake me up? When did you get home?" I rubbed my eyes.

"I got home around 3." I was relieved. That was around the time I fell asleep. "And you were so peaceful I left you there. I'm amazed you slept for 7 hours uninterrupted. First time in a while. Since you always get up with the children." I sat down on the bed. Sapphire to light. I'm afraid of breaking her. That's the thing with newborns. They're tougher than they look, but still fragile.

Kylo sat down next to me. "Want to watch a movie or something?" He asked "you haven't watched anything in a while." Well that wasn't true. I did watch an entire seasons in days, shows in a week while pregnant.

I shrugged and nodded. "You choose." He nods.

He skillfully placed Anakin back in his swing and grabbed our laptop. He laid down on the bed. I put Sapphire next to her brother and rolled over next to him. He was scrolling through my iTunes before choosing. "You have so many movies" he mumbles under his breath.

We watched The Princess Bride. Which is the greatest movie ever. Everyone loves that movie. How can you not? It has something for everyone. No one can hate it. It's just a movie that is everyone's favorite.

I fell asleep on Kylo, everything was just so peaceful. It was heavenly.

Everything was falling into place just right.

My Teacher, My Lover, My Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now