Chapter 10

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Winter break passed by quickly. I did my classes strictly online. Only coming into Kylos classroom to take some tests. No one noticed that I was even there.

Classes done in record time, I was done with school all together. With the spare time I binged on Netflix, and becoming a couch potato.

Rey came back one afternoon to see me half way through a new show I found this the morning.

"Have you even moved?"

"Nope" I paused the show "how was your day? Learn anything new?"

"Yeah! Hux really sucks."

"You little poet. You rhymed."

"Yeah but it doesn't change the fact that Government is hard when he teaches."

"Yeah. It was easier online."

"Good to know." Rey flopped down on the couch next to me. "Why'd you have to get pregnant. School is so hard without you"

"Well when a boy and a girl really love each other..."

"Oh no."

"And the little thin sheet of plastic breaks-"

"Please stop"

"A little baby is made."

"Amazing." Rey rolled her eyes "you should really teach sex Ed"

"I was thinking about it. But I don't want to teach."

"Uh oh breaking the lineage. No teaching?!?"

"Well they all kinda live in a big house. I already got my inheritance, so I can just move in with Kylo. Leia is obsessed with picking out each item for the nursery."

"She should. She's the grandmother"

"And that's exciting!" I rubbed my bump. It got slightly larger and now I looked pregnant. "And before we know it, you're going to have to babysit. Kidding. But you'll always be on call" I smiled.

No one noticed that I was slowly getting fatter. They just thought I was gaining a lot of weight. Finn and Poe were suspicious. So Rey and I called them over, and sat them down.

"Ok what I am about to say is going to shock you"

"Ok" they said together.

"Please don't get too upset" taking a deep breath "I'm pregnant"

"YOU'RE WHAT?!?" Finn yelled in their small dorm

"I am having a baby." I tried to stay calm but Finn was freaking out. He stood up and started pacing the room. Poe took charge.

"So who's the daddy?" He asked, afraid to know the answer.

"Well that's a long story actually."

"I'm listening"

"Well when I was a freshman I met this man"

"So it was your boyfriend"


"Who is your boyfriend"

"This is the part I don't want to tell you"

"Just tell us"

".......Its Mr Ren" I quickly blurted out.

Finn walked out the door. "Mr. Ren?" He was slow about his words "the strictest teacher this school has ever seen"


"The Mr Ren who threw a chair at someone"


My Teacher, My Lover, My Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now