Chapter 6

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The same thing happened like yesterday. I got up and Kylo texted me asking if I wanted to talk. Of course I rushed to get ready almost killing myself in the process. I fell into Kylos arms this time.

He helped me stand correctly. Then he held me close and smoothed my hair. No one could see my face and no one in the dorm could see his. So we were safe that way.

He didn't say anything, we just stood in the quiet of the morning. People just waking up and not caring for the love that was happening outside their windows.

When he felt like the time to part was He lifted me up so I could kiss him easier. It doesn't help to be 5'5 and have a 6'3 boyfriend. He put me down and left again. I jumped in glee and spun back into my dorm.

"So much for PDA" Rey stated, scaring me half to death. I jumped into the wall.

"You're awake" I stuttered

"Hard to sleep when you're tripping over yourself."

"True true. But how can you sleep when you know that, that gorgeous man is walking around on campus" I think of the softness in his skin. So warm. Something was bothering him. He never hugs, in fact he hates it.

"Well I don't know if he's gorgeous. Even my 20/20 vision can't see that low down in the building. Should we just get some breakfast here? Save us rushing to the hall. We have plenty of stuff."

"Oh but then Poe and Finn would get worried. They think you're the bee's knees."

"I don't want to be the bee's knees. I want to be a normal girl with normal knees."

"Now I'm wondering. Do bees have knees?"

"Oh but that's the point. They don't so if something is the bee's knees it means that it's great because it's extraordinary. You know?" Rey replied.

"I know silly i was being...never mind. You should lighten up."

"I'm sorry. I'm not awake yet." Rey admitted.

"It's fine." I hopped onto Rey's bed "you know class is gonna be long without you"

"Ditto. I don't want to see Mr Ren."

"Just remember that- I've got nothing. Stay low I guess" I couldn't come up with anything. I wanted to be in his class, but we both knew I couldn't.

"Will do"

We finished getting ready and went to class. The day was slow and uneventful.

I came home last again. You can guess what kept me back. "Lemme guess-"

"Boyfriend" We said at the same time.

"You'll understand one day." I said.

"I've decided that I'm going to give up looking for my family. If they wanted me they'd tell me who they were. I'm just going to enjoy being at this school no matter how I got here. It's not my problem."

"Yeah." I said and sighed. I really wanted to tell her what I was feeling.


"Just...this secrecy is killing me."

"I'm sorry.' Rey stroked my shoulder.

I left again and got ready for bed. Rey just worked on her homework. "Why does he give so much work?" I hear her from my room.


In the morning Rey stumbled out of her room and watched me pour a mug of the dark liquid. "Morning sleeping beauty."

"Morning. You're not-"

"Not today. He had things to do." I picked up my bag. "But I do have to leave. See you later."


I rushed to the library before class started and searched through the archives they had.

Old yearbooks, no. Blueprints, nope. Family albums, yes. I gently climbed the shelf and grabbed the first one. It was my favorite.

Red leather, within was photos of Kylos childhood. I flipped through slowly. Taking my time. It had to be my hundredth time looking at them, but young Kylo was so cute.

'Bens first bike' was the one I was currently looking at. He looked so... Innocent.

After that was his school photos. It even had his senior photos from this school as well.

To put it plainly he was hot. His thick hair always perfect. Then the bell rang and I carefully put it back running to class.


I didn't see Rey when I came home. I assumed she was in the library. After an hour or two I gave up waiting for her, and I invited Kylo over. We hid in my room, nothing exciting happened. A lot of kissing, his hand easily slipped under my shirt. I bit his lip, and he moaned.

Then we heard the front door open "crap" I muttered under my breath.

I slipped out of my room and closed my bedroom door. Rey was giddy and happy "You're home late" I laughed. "I was beginning to worry about you"

"I met someone" She couldn't hold back a smile

"Ooooohhhh. Gimme the deets" Grinned back.

"We watched a cinema feature about Steve Jobs." she replied. "We compared note about the classroom, discussed Kylo Ren's academic abilities, played chess. He said I had nice soft hair. I do have nice soft hair. I curl my finger in it to smooth my self to sleep sometimes."

"Strange. Did you two kiss?"

"What no! It was very academically!"

"Uhuh. What's his name?"

"Ash Crimson!"

"Sounds like a bad Pokemon fanfic where Ash is a Bond villain!"


"Me going to make you a account."

"Ummmmm.... Anyway were you with your boyfriend at lunchtime?"

"No. I was studying actually. I do have a small life outside my boyfriend. I promise."

"Mm hmm" there was a sound in my room, it was obviously Kylo trying to get dressed. "Are you sure"

"Well he did come over. He's finding a way out currently. Since no boys allowed after 5"

"That's what I thought. Maybe I finally get to find out who your mysterious boyfriend is."

"Trust me. You don't want to find out" I guarded the door.

"Ok." She said slowly. We heard the window open.

"See. Nothing to worry about" I walked away from my room and into the kitchen.

"Ok then."

"So do you want to see this bad fanfiction character again?"

"Yes. No. Maybe."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Well we are in the same school after all!"

"Uhuh." I uttered.

"It might happen, and you know if someone wants me. Maybe it isn't a bad thing. You're the most constant thing I have ever had in my life. You and chewey. We've only known each other not even a week! Not even half a week."

"Hey it's okay Rey!" I hugged her. "Just go with what your gut tells you"

"Thanks. I will"


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