Chapter 4: You're a witch?

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Tobias and Tris stare at each other. He is still awaiting her answer and he can tell that she is hesitant because she is afraid.

"We can go right now to your parents and ask them if what I say is true," he says and startles her. She blushes. It seems that her hesitance made it all more obvious.

"No, it's fine."

"Then why aren't you answering?" he asks confused. He isn't really used to this, girls not throwing themselves at his feet and the entire courtship affair.

"It's just, I don't know you," she says honestly and he understands. While he gathered some information about her she is still in the dark about everything regarding him.

"I understand. Are you done with studying today?" he asks and she nods. Everything they went through today were things she already knew. "Then come with me," he says smiling while extending his hand.

"Where are we going?" she asks.

"To a special place," he says still smiling. She takes his hand and she is surprised by how intimate this small gesture feels. She follows him outside of the compound still holding his hand and trying to fight back the obvious blush. They go to the stable where Tobias' horse is. He asks the stable boy to prepare his stallion while he talks to Tris. "I hope you don't mind we're taking Courage," he says tilting his head toward the horse.

"No, but where is my horse?" she asks and he looks surprised for a bit.

"I didn't know you can ride," he comments.

"Why, because I'm too much of a Stiff?" she asks, but she smiles which makes him understand she is messing with him.

"Yeah, kind of," he plays along and they both laugh.

"My father taught me after I begged him for weeks," she tells him.

"I see. Well, next time we'll take two horses, but today it's just you, me and Courage," he says. She nods. If she wanted to protest she sure changed her mind when he smiled at her that charming smile. Tris still couldn't believe what was happening and still kept herself from giving in.

Once the horse was ready Tobias mounted it first and helped Tris on the back of the animal with no difficulty whatsoever. They left the compound and headed toward the wall. Tris didn't speak the whole time, which would have been futile since the horse was riding fast and one couldn't hear a thing. But she enjoyed the closeness the one horse provided. Tobias didn't mind it either, if anything taking only Courage out for a ride might have been one of his best ideas.

As they approach the large gate Tobias slows down and when the guard asks for a permit to exit the kingdom Tobias hands him a paper. The guard nods and opens the gate. Tris looks around wary, expecting an attack at any minute.

"Don't worry," he says, "you are safe with me."

"I'm not worried," she quickly says, although it's a lie, but he doesn't comment. "I'm just wondering where you take me."

"We're almost there."

And so they are. Tobias hops off the horse first and helps Tris down as well. They reached a meadow with a small pond. The entire area looks like a painting and Tris could easily imagine herself lying down in the soft grass, watching the sky and kissing Four. What? Did she really just think that? Not too long ago she believed he just wanted her for some sexual favors and now she imagines fairy tale settings?

"This is my favorite place," he says as he sits down on the grass and pats the place right next to him. She follows his example but leaves some room between them.

The Prince and The Witch: A Divergent Fairy Tale | ✅Where stories live. Discover now