Chapter 6: Torch

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Tobias and Tris quickly get dressed and head toward the Pit to find out what is going on. Everyone is here and no one seems to know what is happening but thankfully Max appears and explains the situation.

"We're under attack," he says gravely. He explains how the dark wizard allied himself with the goblins and ogres and is now attacking the wall. The witches were summoned to reinforce the protective enchantments, but by the king's order everyone available is called to arms. Tobias glances toward his lover and sees the worry in her eyes.

"I'll protect you," he vows and she shakes her head.

"I'm not worried for me, I'm worried for you," she says, tears glistening in her eyes.

"Don't be. I'm strong, I can handle it," he tries to reassure her but she hugs him tightly to herself, unwilling to let him go.

"I'll come with you," she says.

"No. I need you to stay here, my love. I need you to be safe." She looks up at him, his eyes are determined and his grip on her is strong and yet gentle.

"I can't do that. I joined Dauntless to become a warrior," she tries to argue, but he won't hear it.

"Your initiation isn't complete," he tells her, but she stubbornly stands her ground.

"Tobias, I'm stronger than before and I'm a witch. I won't stay here and I won't let you go alone. I won't discuss this with you. I'm coming, whether you like it or not," she says glaring at him. He looks at her, trying to find a way to make her see reason, but he doesn't find it. He understands her, though. He wouldn't stay back either and it makes his heart beat faster thinking that this girl loves him so much that she couldn't fathom staying back when he is in danger. He knows there is no chance to change her mind so he reluctantly nods.

They go to the armory to get their armors and then proceed to the weaponry and the stable. Tobias mounts his loyal stallion Courage, while Tris mounts the white mare named Hope that Tobias himself picked out for her.

As commander of the cavalry Tobias asks Tris to ride next to him and stay there at all times. He might have agreed to her joining the battle, but he'll definitely want to keep an eye on her and nobody, including her, will make him reconsider. Tris isn't bothered by that since it goes the way she wants too. While he keeps an eye on her she will keep an eye on him and make sure he is safe.

It takes a few hours for the entire army to get ready and march toward the wall where they've been attacked and Tris can see the sun rise slowly, announcing a new day.

Each part of the Dauntless army, led by their respective commander, marches toward the wall where they are being attacked. Tris can see the witches working their magic keeping the enchantments up, while brave guards fight off the ogres and goblins just outside the main gate. As they approach Tris sees the king fight alongside his men, but an arrow flies toward him. She stops her horse and speaks some words reaching out her right hand. The arrow stops just in front of the king and he turns around to see who saved his life. When Tobias and Tris reach the king, Marcus thanks the young woman, unaware that she is the one his son chose as a wife.

"Father, are you alright?" Tobias asks.

"Yes, son, I am. Thank you, milady," he says toward Tris who smiles shyly.

"Father, this is Tris," he says and the king's eyes widen, before he smiles.

"So you are the one my son lost his heart to," he says and looks more carefully at her. "You are every bit the person he described, except for the magic. Son, you forgot to mention that your beloved is trained in the arts of witchcraft," he says and looks intently at his son.

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