Chapter 7: Dragon blood

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Tris teleports back down, not before asking Torch to keep a watchful eye over what is going on. As soon as she is back down she gets on her horse and rushes to the king. She has difficulty finding him at first, but then she sees him. He is engaged in a battle with a large ogre. She uses her powers to fight the beast and help her king. The moment she is close to him she asks about her beloved.

"Where is Tobias? I can't find him," she says, desperation seeping through.

"He has been taken. We were ambushed and a group of ogres took him. They knocked him out and took him," the king says, anger and despair clear in his voice. They took him. The ogres took him. Torch was right. The wizard was after the king's treasure. But it wasn't gold or any jewel. It was his son, Tobias. How could she have been so blind?

Fear and anger take over and Tris teleports herself on the dragon's back again. Torch can sense the turmoil going on in his human friend and doesn't know how to help her.

"Take me to the castle. Take me to where the wizard is," she says.

"Tris, this is suicide," Torch argues with her, but she doesn't listen. The only thing that screams in her head is Tobias who is reaching out to her. She can't fail him. She can't lose him. She will never be whole again if she does.

"I have to do this, Torch. He would do it for me," she tells her friend.

"You must really love him," he says and she nods, even though he can't see her.

The flight to the castle isn't long, but they encounter their first problem. The castle is protected by dragons. There aren't many, not everyone shares Malak's vision. Tris counts seven dragons. How is she going to get passed them?

"Tris, we need help. I can't fight all seven of them and the castle is protected by a magic barrier. Your magic isn't nearly strong enough to penetrate the magical wall. Please, my friend, let's go back and seek help," Torch pleads. Tris is torn. She wants to save the man she loves, but Torch is right. They would die even before they can even inflict the slightest damage to either one dragon or the castle. The wizard is smarter than she thought. Reluctantly, Tris agrees and the two friends return to the kingdom.

She looks down and sees that the battle has concluded, the ogres and goblins were defeated, but the spirit of the men was down. They all must have heard of the prince's abduction. Torch promises to return. He wants to persuade as many of his kind to join their fight, but he isn't very optimistic. They say goodbye for now and Tris teleports down to where the king and queen are.

"Your majesties, I need help," she says and they look at her, the king anguished, the queen in tears. Tris looks around and sees Tobias' friends just as sad and helpless as she feels. "The castle is protected by seven dragons and a magic barrier. What lies beyond that I can not tell, except for, Tobias is there. I'm going to rescue him, but I need help," she says.

"How are we supposed to get passed the dragons?" Max asks.

"I have a friend who is trying to persuade others to help him. I am a witch, but my craft isn't nearly as powerful as a full developed witches. I need at least another witch to help me create a crack to be able to enter the castle and look for Tobias," she says, taking charge.

"Sweetheart, it's too dangerous for you to go," Evelyn says gently hugging her future daughter-in-law.

"Your majesty," Tris starts saying and gently pushes the queen to look her in the eyes. "I love Tobias and I won't stay back. I will go and I will bring him back, with or without help. But I'd much prefer help," she says and looks from the queen to the king.

"But it's too dangerous," Evelyn argues.

"I don't care. I could never forgive myself if I didn't even try. Please, I need your help," she says and looks at the king. Marcus nods slightly and calls the witches and army commanders to consult with. Evelyn, realizing that she can't persuade Tris to stay, kisses the girl's cheek and goes to the hospital to help with the wounded.

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