Chapter 1

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A/N- HEY EVERYONE!!! I am so glad you picked my book to read, but before you start there are a few things you must keep in mind...
~This plot and storyline is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from the original star wars
~Remember, you are going to be living the book, so enjoy
~the story starts in episode II

BTW- you are 21 in this story and so is Anakin


            You jolt awake in your sleep. Another nightmare, you think to yourself...
             Your eyes widen as you start to recollect the moments is your nightmare.
             "Shoot", the strange man tells you. The entire room is dark, except for the area illuminated from the one light bulb hanging from the ceiling. You can vaguely see someone sitting in the chair opposite to yours. The person was tied to the chair. By the build, it looks like a man...but whom? The face....
           "It's either him or you" said the strange man. He was dressed all in black, with a mask covering the part of his face. You then realize he has a gun to your head. You can feel the cold metal on the side of your face, just above your temple. Then you realize that you yourself are holding a gun. The gun is pointed towards the man tied to the chair. You try to speak but it comes out muffled. You are gagged. You try to move but all you do is shake the chair. You are tied to the chair, but your hands are tied to the gun.
            Your eyes immediately dart around the room, searching for an escape,but it's too dark. Who is this man you are supposed to shoot you wonder. "SHOOT" the man in black seems to be getting impatient. You might as well do it. Sometimes you may need to things to save yourself.  Desperate times call for desperate measures.
          You were supposed to be able to take control in situations like this; your jedi training covered that, but why not now? Why did your body refuse to take action.
        You decide that you have to do it, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it without knowing who this person is. You scoot closer to get a look. You can finally see who the man is.
        "Dad..." you mutter. You had to split from your father at a very young age because of your jedi training. You did go visit him a few times, even though you weren't supposed to...
           "No", you say softly. "NO" you say louder. 

         "Okay fine", said the man in black. "But don't think that I didn't give you a chance...."

             You shake your head vigorously trying to forget the nightmare. "It's not real", you mutter to yourself. You lie back down, snuggling into your fluffy pillow. You try closing your eyes and going back to sleep, but it is no use. You get out of your comforter and sit up on the edge of your bed. You close your eyes, trying to forget everything. You are wearing a loose nightgown. You get out of bed and walk into your kitchen. You pour yourself a glass of water and walk over to the entrance of your balcony. You pull open the crystal clear sliding glass doors, with a little extra force. The latch loosens and gives you way. You walk out and lean over the railing, that just reaches your elbows. You place your elbows on the railing and stare into the city of Coruscant. 


               You take a sip of water slowly still glancing at the blinking, active lights of the city, and an occasional speeder. Somewhere in the distance you see the jedi temple, beautiful. You glance over your shoulder and inside your apartment, your eyes going to the wall clock that hung above your bookshelf. '4:30'. You shrug, noticing you are supposed to be awake in half an hour. I need to be at the temple by 6:00, you think to yourself and sigh. You were in no mood for training today. You decide to waste time by loosing yourself in the scenery. The sun was on the verge of rising, the sky was pink, but slightly orange, due to the city's bright lights reflecting on the sky. 

        You sigh at the peace that has overcome your body. You silently wish that this would never end, and you could just relax, but that would never be possible. In less than 2 hours you would be picking up your lightsaber and training with your master, Master Yoda. You had always loved training with Master Yoda. And you secretly loved the feel of the lightsaber and you just swinging it, and the hum it gave out, and the sudden clash it sounded when it would touch another lightsaber. It gave you a feeling of peace, but a different feeling of peace. When you have your weapon in hand it gives you a sort of cut off from the world.

         You are broken out of your thoughts when you see a speeder accident take place right in front of your eyes. A yellow speeder just decided to bang into a green one. No major damage. You let your mind wander off again. When you thought about speeders, your mind immediately thought about Anakin Skywalker. The first time you had seen him, he was a small innocent boy. Trained by obi-wan, he grew up to be a powerful jedi, just like you. Anakin loved to fly. Hell, he even taught you how to hone your flying skills, but you had helped him out with his lightsaber skills.

       Before you realized it you were done with your glass of water. You were in no mood to take the effort to walk in and put your glass back. Using the force, you lift the glass of water. It floats in mid-air. You turn around and gesture a slight push with your wrist, and the glass floats through you apartment and rests on the coffee table. If Master Yoda caught you using the force like this, he would not be pleased. 

     Your eyes wander to the clock. It is already 4:55. You decided to go get ready for your long and tiring day. You turn around and take one last gaze at Coruscant, and head back in to your apartment. You turn around and slide the sliding glass doors back into place until you hear a faint 'click' of the door latching.


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