Chapter 5

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           "WAIT WHAT!? WHAT WERE YOU DOING DEALING WITH JABBA'S PEOPLE", you asked, exasperated as ever. Your father could not have dealt with Jabba the hutt, right? "Money was tight, (Y/N)", he says, as if that justifies all his actions. Before you could retort, Jango hits you on your temple with the butt of his blaster. You fall to the ground face first. You groan and turn around, desperate to fight back. Once you muster up just enough energy to turn, you see Jango arguing with your father. 

         "Stop", you try to say, but all that comes out is a groan. The edges of your vision start to go black, and your vision starts to slightly blur. Jango then hits your father on his head with the butt of his blaster. Your father is out cold in seconds. You try your best to keep your eyes open, but the darkness keeps pulling you in. You finally give in and let you eyes shut, letting the darkness surround you. 


        You wearily open your eyes and scan your surroundings. The entire room is dark, except for the space in front of you that was illuminated by a single lightbulb. Even though you were drenched with sweat, your body was burning up, except for a single circle beside your temple. You shift your eyeballs upward, attempting to get a look at the cool surface. What you see shocked you beyond measure.

       You see a gun sitting at your temple, the man, dressed all in black, ready to shoot. You tried to scream, not for help; but for relief. The sound came out muffled; you were gagged. You then see a man tied to a chair opposite you, and your hands were taped to a blaster. You tried to get up to get a better look at the face but you couldn't as you were tied down to the chair. 

         "Shoot", says the man. This situation seemed all to familiar, and then it hits you; it was your nightmare. Not a nightmare, a vision. You struggle and manage to scoot in front, and to confirm your suspicion it was your father sitting in the chair.

      "SHOOT", the man says, this time more forcefully. You scream again, this time in pure shock and terror. "Aren't you a jedi? You're supposed to be brave or something", says the man with a snort. You swear at the man through the gag, he may not have noticed or he was just ignoring you. You were pretty sure he was ignoring you because you used some pretty colourful language. He puts out his free arm near your face and you shake your head vigorously, attempting to flick it away. "Wow, easy. I'm just trying to help you", he says. He pulls the gag of your mouth and the gag falls down to your neck. 

"Much better", you sigh. 

"Told you I was trying to help you", he says with a chuckle.

"I don't think it is called helping if you tie someone up and tell them to shoot their father", you state.

"Hey, it's not my fault your father didn't pay Jabba in time. If Jabba the hutt wants revenge, Jabba the hutt gets revenge", he says and shudders, as if recollecting a memory. You then realise you've completely forgotten about your father. 

"Is he awake?" you snap. 

"Yup", he says, popping the 'p'. " He is also currently listening to everything you are saying".

"You do realise you have a gun pointed at my head", you state.

"I don't understand how that affects the situation?" he says, innocently.

"You're talking to me like how two teenage girls would talk", you snap.

"And how is that?" he asks.

"Omg! Sophie wore a lipstick shade that was so last season", you say with a sassy accent.

"She did!" he replies sarcastically, playing along with you. 

        You roll your eyes and remember your father, again. "Daddy?" you ask.

"Hey sweetie", he says weekly. You had never seen your father so weak. But obviously you couldn't really see him.

"WHAT WERE YOU DOING DEALING WITH JABBA'S PEOPLE!?" you shout, finally letting out all your emotions. 

"You literally asked me the exact same question before we passed out", he says.

"That was a rhetorical question", you say.

"Touche" he says. You start to feel a smile creep on your lips; this was it, the old times, but then you realise the situation you were in. 

"Why are you acting so casual?" you ask.

"One of us is going to die", he says bluntly. "I'd rather spend my last few moments re-living the old times".

"Don't say that! How are you so sure it will be you anyway?".

"I just know, (Y/N)".

         "Don't worry, Anakin will come save us", you say assuringly; in reality you were assuring yourself. As if on cue alarm sounds started blaring out everywhere. "WE HAVE BEEN BREACHED", screams the man in black. "BOTH OF YOU STAY HERE", he says whilst exiting.

"Don't worry, we aren't going anywhere", you say sarcastically.  As soon as he leaves you try to get out of the ropes , but it is no use. You try to tune in to the Force, but you are too stressed.

         You hear the alarms blaring, and you soon get lost in your own thoughts. Was it Anakin? Is he alright? You then realise it's been a while since the alarms started going off, and you start to panic a little. Is Anakin alright? Is he hurt? You pause. Or is it not Anakin at all?   You hear a few screams and shouts. You briefly hear someone calling for re-inforcements. You then hear a jet pack taking off. What was happening out there?

        You hear the door knob start to wiggle, and as soon as you hear that you are brought back to reality. You try free yourself again, and shake vigorously; but it is too late. You hear a feet shuffling into the room, and you immediately look down. "(Y/N)?" you hear a gentle and familiar voice say. You look up to see the one person you have been wanting to see more than ever.




Hey you all! Thank you for putting up with me through the long time I have not updated. I have just been majorly stressed and for some reason, writing this chapter took forever.

Anyway, now I have a clear idea of how I want the story to go, so the updates will roll out faster. If you have any ideas for after this 'event' please direct message me.


Bye for now

Flustered By Destiny (Anakin Skywalker x reader Fanfiction) (DROPPED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें