Chapter 2

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You step inside the jedi temple. You close your eyes because you feel someone approach. You open your eyes to a smirk and a pair of beautiful ocean blue eyes. These eyes meet your gaze. It's Anakin Skywalker.

You smirk back. "What?" you question him. He doesn't reply, he just keeps looking into your eyes. You stare back with the same amount of emotion. You open your mouth to ask again but he interrupts you. "You sensed me coming, didn't you?" he asks.

"Yeah...", you reply, unsure.

"You have become strong with the force" he responds.

"Thank you", you reply with a British accent and dramatically bow. He chuckles. "Okay let's go for training", you state, and down the hallway. He catches up and walks along with you. He pauses. "Wait", he says. You stop and turn to face him. He eyes your padawan braid, which starts just behind your ear rests on your right shoulder. It is a thin braid and reached right below your chest. He lifts his hand and picks up your braid and slowly places it behind your shoulder. You feel tingles where his fingers brushed you. Weird you think. This should not be happening.

You raise an eyebrow in question. "It is distracting" he replies simply. You give him the '...seriously?' look. He just shrugs and continues down the hallway. "Wait", you say. He stops and faces you. You catch up to him and pick up his padawan braid and place it behind his shoulder. You ignore his 'somewhat-satisfied-but-still-in-question' look and wink at him. You then continue down the hallway and to the council room...


"The council will see you now", says Master Kenobi. He nods as he stands and there and keeps the door open Both you and Anakin enter council room, followed by Obi-wan. You both bow before the council and they nod there heads in greeting. "Why did you all want to see us, masters?" you ask. They all look at each other and nod in Master Yoda's direction. "A mission, you have", says Yoda.

"Senator Amidala will be here in a few days. Your job is to protect her during her visit over here", says Master Windu. You immediately feel Anakin tense up next to you. You could sense his nervousness regarding Padmè...

"May I ask why she is visiting, Master?" I ask.

"In danger, her home planet naboo is. Yes, hmmm" responds Master Yoda. "Time, to pick between Anakin and [Y/N] for this job, it is".

Just then Obi-wan spoke up. "Master Yoda, if I may", he said, "I think both Anakin and [Y/N] should be put for this job". Master Yoda thought for a bit. Then he addressed you, "[Y/N] during this mission, I should be there with you. My Padawan because you are. This time I will be there not. Cope without me, you must. Worry not. Train you. I shall, before Queen Amidala arrives."

You nod understandably. "Yes master", you respond.

"Very well", adds Master Yoda. "Now train, we must", says Master yoda. He jumps off his seat and exits. You bow once more in front of the council. You go onto your tip-toes and whisper "bye Ani!" into Anakin's ears and follow Master Yoda out of the council chambers.


You feel a jolt of pain as Master Yoda hits your shin with his walking stick, again. You were practicing your battle stances. You bite your lip trying to cover it up, hoping he won't notice. You were wrong.
"Pain, you feel...?" asked Master Yoda.
"Yes master", you admitted. No use in lying, he could see through you like you were glass.
"Conceal it, you must not. Concealed pain leads to suffering. Suffering leads to anger. Anger will lead you towards the dark", said Master Yoda. Your body starts to loosen out. Your back was killing you. He doesn't do anything. You eye your arm muscles. You could see your veins popping out. Your right leg was in front of you, with a your knee bending just a little. Your left leg stretching back. Almost straight. Your hands were tightly wrapped around your currently switched off lightsaber. The lightsaber itslef is held above your head, but you're arms were leaning towards the right. You gripped the saber tightly, as instructed by your master. Your head was up straight. How much longer... You thought to yourself. You had been standing like this for at least 20 minutes.
"Patience, my padawan" said master Yoda. Then you realized you were thinking out loud. "Now! Fight me you must", he announced,not before giving you one last hit on your lower back to make it straighter.
You plant your feet to the ground ready for battle. The adrenaline was pumping through your veins ready to go. Master Yoda stands in front of you with the same stance. You decide to make the first move. You switch on your lightsaber and immediately attack. Master was fast and clicked on his own saber and blocked you. You swing the other way. He blocks you again. Your eyes concentrate on his every move. Lose yourself you think. You close your eyes and let your body take over. You open them, and realize you are doing well. You step foward, forcing your Master backwards. He takes a step and keeps blocking you. You realize that he is not attacking, just blocking.
You notice that your body is at peace. The kind of peace you know you can't feel anywhere else. You are calm as you sway your lightsaber, striking your Master's comparatively smaller one.
You keep forcing Master Yoda backwards. Finally Master Yoda decides to attack back. You are taken by surprise as he swings his saber at you. You duck, and the saber singes the edge of your hair. You swing your lightsaber at him, trying to attack.
"Control you, your anger must not", says the Master while still blocking. You take in his words and continue to fight. Master Yoda does not seem to go easy on you.
You suddenly feel a pair of eyes on you. Their presence seems to distract you. Master attacks you and you duck and roll away. You take advantage of the moment by looking back to see who this person is. You are surprised to see Anakin, staring at you intently.
You try your best not to let his presence distract you. You turn your head back to your master. He is advancing on you. You get back on your feet and block his incoming strike. Your mind keeps getting distracted by Anakin. What if he thinks I don't fight well you think. Suddenly your hands start wobbling. You are losing control of your body. Before you realize it you fall backwards, and notice that Master Yoda's foot is on your chest. You land directly on your lower back and then you feel your head hit the hard tile of the training room. You immediately feel a shooting pain go through your spine and into your back. You can even feel pain on the back of your head. Pain vibrates through your body. Your Master's foot is still on your chest. His face shows disappointment.
You try to get up, but fall back down because the pain is too much. You take a moment to relax, but you can't get the look of disappointment out of your mind. You feel weak, and most of all you are disappointed in yourself. Why did you let his presence distract you. You could still feel Ani's presence. Then you decided to prove to your master you are capable of more. You close your eyes as Master Yoda slowly takes his foot off you. For a moment you ignored everything in the world. Everything except your master and his lightsaber. You quickly got up and attacked Master Yoda. He ducked and rolled away just in time. A smile covered his face as he clicked on his lightsaber and attacked you. You quickly blocked it and attacked him.
Pain was still vibrating through your body, but you didn't care nothing else in the world existed. Block, attack. Block, attack. Block, attack. Focus you thought. You were losing yourself in the battle. After what seemed like forever, you started getting the upper hand. You didn't know if he was going easier on you, or you were genuinely winning, but it felt good. It felt amazing.
He began to get weaker, and weaker. Until finally he fell backwards. You stood there, your lightsaber giving out a low hum.
When you realized what you had done, you switched off your lightsaber. You quickly step back and look down. "Sorry master", you mumble while looking down.
"Sorry, do not say. Good job you did", said your master. He got up. "Improved, you have. Enough for today", he said.
"Yes master. Thank you", you say bowing you turn around to a smirking Anakin. You both walk out the room. "Good job, [Y/N]", he says.
You nod. "Thank you", you add, without showing any emotion.
"What's wrong", he asks, showing concern.
"Nothing", you say. You pause and look over your shoulder. Anakin is looking at you, a look of concern masking his face. "I'm going home", you add.
Anakin nods. "I'll stop by your apartment after a while then", he says.
"You can but I won't be there", you say, still looking straight ahead. Then you turn around. "When I say home, I mean real home. Back at Jakku", you say. (Your home planet is Jakku. Master obi-wan found you there. Your dad wanted what is best for you, so he let you leave for training. You were adopted, so you don't know who your real parents are. You never had a mother)
"You are going home?! Then I am coming with you" he says. You start walking down the hallway and arrive at the room where they keep speeders. Anakin walks in a few moments after you. You step into a speeder, and Anakin comes and sits next to you. You press a button and an opening in the wall reveals itslef.
"Time for take off", you say just before switching on the engine.
As soon as the words leave your mouth you take off and set your destination for Jakku.

Flustered By Destiny (Anakin Skywalker x reader Fanfiction) (DROPPED)Where stories live. Discover now