Chapter 3

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        The rest of the ride was spent in silence. You could sense Anakin was as uncomfortable as ever. He stared at you as you set the destination for Jakku. You boost into hyperspace.You kept on flying, but you could still sense his gaze in you. Finally you could not take it anymore. "What!" you snap. "Dude get a life! Can't you see I'm already pissed off!" you shout.

"Huh!?" he seemed to snap out of his daydream. He still had this annoying confused look plastered on his face. 

"Stop. Staring. At. Me." you growl. That seemed to clear things up. He awkwardly looked out of the cockpit window in front. "Good riddance", you mumble. 

       After what seemed like forever, an orangish-brownish planet came into view. You breathed a sigh of relief. Finally. Home. Jakku. You enter the atmosphere of the planet, and that immediately brings back memories. 

      You remember yourself and your father, giggling as you both make your way to the wreckage of one of the Imperial walkers at the Goazon Badlands. Your father's sarcasm always amused you. Although he was your father, he didn't felt like a friend. Life was tough, but he just seemed to ease it out. You both arrive at one of the Imperial wreckage. You both pull on your masks, as if co-ordinated. This one was smaller than the others. "Let's go inside", he says.  You both step in and scan the area. You spot distinct second class engine and immediately recognize that this is an inflictor. The Inflictor was an Imperial-class star destroyer that participated in the Battle of Jakku , which was fought on the between the and the New Republic one year after the Battle of Endor. During the battle, the Star Destroyer was boarded by New Republic soldiers with the intent of capturing it. After the commandos disabled the ship's ability to self destruct, its commander, Captain Cienna Ree, scuttled the Inflictor by crashing it into the surface of the planet, where its wreckage remained for decades. You always loved history when your dad explained it.

       "Dad", you said, but your voice came out muffled. You pull the mask of your mouth. "Dad!" You repeat, but he still ignores you. "Kochab Withav!" you say, taking his full name. He didn't mind it. He snapped his head towards you. "What?" he asked. 

"We've already been here", you say. "It's the Inflictor..." As soon as you say that he turns around and analyzes the ship. He then shrugs and says "I suppose it is", he answers simply. You roll your eyes which are currently covered by your goggles. "Good eye", he adds, as he turns around and starts walking out the ship.

"Wait", you say with an annoyed tone.  You walk deeper into the ship and climb far above the ground. You grab a part of the ship you know could come in handy. You run back towards him. "now we can leave".....


You arrive at Niima Outpost with one part in hand. You know it isn't going to offer many portions, but it was worth a shot. Your started to walk towards the trader, with your father hot on your heels.  As you walk you see many creatures, and a few droids. You walk up to the trader's hut and join the queue. you stare at the back of the creature's head. You don't know who or what it is, but it was short, your height. You put one foot out of  the obstreperous line and stick your head out. The trader's hut was so far away, so you let your thoughts take over your mind. 

'A piece of paper is an ink lined plain.

An inclined plane is a slope up

A slow pup is a lazy dog.

Hence, in hindsight, a piece of paper is a lazy dog'    ([A/N] I did not think of this. I just read it somewhere. Credits Tanvi for showing it to me...)

             You chuckle in your head at your amazing observation. "Hey kid! Move on. The world does not wait for you!" someone screams from behind you. You snap out of your thoughts and turn around, hastily, on your heel. "Especially not this line!" adds his significant other. Then these other creatures start abusing you from behind. You turn to look forward again and realize that the line has moved on, and that there is no barrier between you and the counter."Watch it! That is my daughter you are talking to!" screams your dad. 

            "Oh! You wanna go! Okay then let's go..." screams the creature who first yelled at you. Just as he finished his words your dad swings his arm out, aiming for his face. A red mark is left on the creature's face from the hard slap your father gave him. "THINGS JUST GOT SERIOUS!" yelled the creature as it balls his fist up and lashes out at your father . Your father ducks just in time, but the creature is faster. The creature sticks out his foot and your father trips and falls. Just as the creature thinks you father is going to give up, your father gets up and lashes out again. You stare in horror as both of them get into an intense fist fight. Your father falls again and the creature starts kicking him on the ground. Soon enough all the other creatures join the fun by kicking your father. 

               You stare, unable to move a single muscle in your body. You want to move, and go help, but you're frozen. Suddenly two people wearing weirdly styled robes emerge from the crowd. As they see your father in pain they run towards him. They push into the middle of the crowd. "Stop!" screams the seemingly younger one. He seemed to be your age, around 12. 

"And why should we listen to you!" screamed one of those awful creatures. 

"Trust me, you... don't want to 'not listen to me'", said the younger one, with a slight wave of his hand.

"That isn't how it's done, my very young apprentice", says the seemingly older one with a slight chuckle. "You WILL leave this man alone, and not bother him anymore", he said, again waving his hand ever so slightly. All the creatures seem dazed for one second, and then immediately turned around and walked away. 

       You still stood there, wide eyed, and your mouth hanging open. The younger one walks up to you. "Don't do that! You'll catch flies!" he says while laughing. You shook your head slightly to get out of your daze, but then your eyes seem to scan his face. He had blue eyes, which you could stare into forever, and blonde hair, with a long braid hanging from behind his left ear. He was...attractive. 

      "Thank you", he says with a cheeky grin.   

" did you...." you stutter

"I can read your thoughts", he says. "I am a jedi", he says and smiles, because he saw your confused look. 

       Your eyes focus behind him and you see the older one helping your father up. He wasn't severely injured, but he still had blood streaming out of his nose and many cuts on his face and arms. "DAD!" you scream and run towards him. As you arrive wraps his arms around you. 

          "Shhh....don't cry..." he says. You didn't even realize you had tears streaming down your face. The older 'jedi' speaks up, "The force is strong with her".  Both your father and you end your embrace and turn around and give him a confused look. The younger 'jedi' gives him a 'seriously?-now' look. 

"I am master Obi Wan Kenobi he says. This is my apprentice-" he starts, but gets cut off by his 'apprentice'. 

"Anakin. Anakin Skywalker", he says and bows.  


Hey guys! I will not continue this back-story, but till then I just wanted you to have an update. Thank you for all the support. You comments warm my heart! Bye for now!!

Flustered By Destiny (Anakin Skywalker x reader Fanfiction) (DROPPED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora