Chapters 1+2

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Chapter one - on your knees

So when down on your knees isn't good enough anymore,

Please tell me you're secret, I'm dying to know what I have to do.

All I had ruined was


The moonlight shone through the open window, illuminating Cheryl’s brown eyes. She looked up and smiled, a twinkle in her eye suggesting mischief.

Kimberley sat on the edge of her bed, a chill crept down her bare back leaving small goose bumps in its wake. She shivered but made no attempt to cover herself. She touched Cheryl’s face, gently outlining her lips with her fingers.

She looked at the woman kneeling in between her legs, noticing a beauty she had never seen before. She felt Cheryl’s hands run up her legs, starting at her ankles working all the way up to her knees.

The feeling of her touch sparked something inside Kimberley, a familiar feeling that started at her centre and rushed up to her head. “I’m so horny” Cheryl whispered seductively, leaving a trail of kisses from Kimberley’s knee to the top of her thighs. Before Kimberley could even think of a response, her attention was placed elsewhere. Cheryl had grabbed her knees, and whilst lifting her torso up closer to Kim’s, she had used her body to open her leg.

Cheryl felt Kimberley’s breath speed up, that wicked smile crossing her face once more.

Kimberley threw her head back as she felt Cheryl’s warm tongue tickling the soft skin of her inner thigh, feeling it rise higher and higher. “oh my….” Kimberley started before being interrupted.


A noise woke her from her slumber, she looked groggily round the room to see what the noise could have been. One look over to the window told her that she had left it open and the wind had slammed it shut. Getting up to close the window she accidentally woke Justin who was sleeping in the bed next to her.

He rubbed his eyes before focusing on Kim, who had by now got back in to bed. “bad dream” he asked sleepily, before turning over to go back to sleep.

Kimberley blushed, she was glad the lights were out because otherwise he might have seen the redness in her cheeks. “no actually…it was a very good dream”.

Chapter two - going down

Kimberley was a little flustered about the dream she had the previous night.

Surely it meant nothing she thought to herself as she pottered around in her kitchen making a strong coffee. you cant control what you dream she rationalized to herself. Settling back in to the sofa she decided not to dwell on it and enjoy one of her rare days off.

The loud chirp of her mobile phone broke her out of her relaxing mode. She scrambled around in her handbag and caught it just before the caller rang off.

The phone call had been from Cheryl, upon hearing her familiar voice she felt a pangs of embarrassment and excitement in equal measures. After much deliberation they had decided to meet for lunch and then go back to Kimberley’s flat for a few drinks.

It was already late afternoon by the time Cheryl had arrived at the restaurant where her and Kimberley were planning to meet for lunch. She knew that she was a little late, after all she had spent the best part of an hour trying to lose the paparazzi that had been following her since she set off from her home. She spotted Kimberley straight away, sitting in the eating area outside with a glass of wine. It was a sunny day and both girls had their sunglasses on, she felt a flurry of heads turn as she walked past and joined Kim at the table. “you scrub up well” Cheryl said by way of hello. “well I do try” Kimberley smiled, already pouring Cheryl a glass of wine from the bottle.. She was dressed in a simple green dress, perfect for the summer, with some heels to match. Kimberley noticed that Cheryl seemed to have made more of an effort…suddenly she felt a bit underdressed. “you look lovely” Cheryl broke in to her thoughts, Kimberley was stunned at how in tune they each were to one another.

By the time the starters had arrived Cheryl was already showing Kim what she had bought from the shop earlier in the day. Getting the make up out of the bag proved quite tricky, Kim watched as the contents fell to the floor. Cheryl tutted loudly and slid off her seat, getting under the table to pick up the expensive make up.

She popped her head up from under the table on Kimberley’s side near her legs. “I bet this looks suspicious” Cheryl laughed, realising she was in a bit of a compromising position. The dream came flooding back in to Kimberley’s consciousness. “Cheryl please” she said in embarrassment, hoping Cheryl would get up. “I bet that sounded suspicious” Cheryl laughed, returning to her seat. 

“I usually get people begging me to get down not get up” Cheryl carried on, much to Kimberley’s unusual discomfort. “mind you with legs like that I suppose you can afford to be choosy” .

“what’s wrong babe” Cheryl asked after a while, it was obvious to her that something was bothering Kimberley.

“you can tell me anything you know” Cheryl prompted, seeing that her friend was struggling to answer the question.

“I’ve just not been sleeping very well” Kimberley replied, taking a long glug of her drink. It was only a partial lie, she reasoned with herself. Cheryl reached out her hand and stroked Kimberley’s with it. “is there something on your mind” She asked.

Kimberley swallowed hard, the sunlight bounced off her hair basking her in a gold glow. She took her glasses off, toying with the arms to distract her attention from Cheryl.

“I have been having weird dreams” Kimberley answered.

“what about”

“well to be truthful…about…you” Kimberley answered awkwardly, looking down to avoid eye contact.

“oh” Cheryl started, not really understanding, “OH” she said again, louder this time, suddenly it hit her like a lighting bolt what Kimberley was talking about.

Kimberley just nodded, her face going redder with each second.

“was I good” Cheryl asked teasingly. ..”coz you are always fantastic in mine”

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