Chapters 11+12

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Chapter 11 - Happy families

She eventually called a car from the management and waited on the corner while it turned up. A photographer popped up out of nowhere and started taking photos, normally she would have tried to walk away or at least smile, however after the night she had had, she just sat there, the tears still making their way slowly down her face.

The driver turned up soon after and she got in the car, not really wanting to go home, but where else could she go? She couldn’t go to any of the girls houses, they would ask to many questions, questions even she didn’t have the answers for. The driver passed by Cheryl’s house on the way back. Kimberley looked in through the window, she could see the downstairs light was still on and she could just make out two figures standing in the room.

Justin was already in bed by the time she got home, being as quiet as she could, she walked in to the bathroom and took her coat off. She slumped against the wall and slid down it, staying where she fell.

A whole manner of different scenarios ran through her mind, would Ashley convince Cheryl that he had changed? would she take him back?. She let her head drop in to her hands, it felt to heavy to be supported any other way. The quietness was eating in to her, even in her own flat, with her boyfriend in the bedroom she actually felt lonely. Or maybe she just felt alone, she couldn’t tell which.


Cheryl sat n the sofa, Ashley took a chair which was close by. She felt horrible, what was meant to be a girly night in had fast become a nightmare. Ashley was back, and she actually felt sorry for him.

“I would never intentionally hurt you” he carried on, something which he  had said countless times in the conversation, along with “It will never happen again”. She had laughed, making it look as though it wasn’t affecting her and she didn’t care any more but they both knew she did.

“you hurt me so much” she told him, something which she herself had repeated before.

Her head was aching, she had so much to think about. Up until tonight, saving her marriage had been the last thing on her mind, yet now, with Ashley sat in front of her promising her the world, she had to admit she was tempted. She had worked so hard to make it work, she was crushed when it ended.

A vision of Kimberley’s face crept in to her mind, on her face was the look she had had, not long ago when she had walked off in to the night, leaving Cheryl with her husband.

Kimberley had been the light at the end of a very long, dark tunnel for Cheryl. Even through everything with Ashley, the one constant thing in her life had been Kim, her smile was enough to warm even the coldest of hearts.

She thought briefly about the first time they kissed, the passion, the excitement, but above all else, the feeling of inevitability about it.

The sweet scent of her perfume was still on Cheryl’s skin, she could smell it even now. She closed her eyes and wished that things were simple.

Kimberley had grabbed a blanket and set up her bed on the sofa, she didn’t want to wake Justin at this hour. Plus she knew that he would see she was upset, and there wasn’t a lie in the world that would be good enough. She stared absently at the ceiling, thoughts of Cheryl were in her head as she tried in vain to rid herself of the pain that she was feeling. She had never felt anything like it before, gut wrenching pain that just wouldn’t go away, no matter how hard she tried.

She wondered what would happen next, would Cheryl phone her and tell her that she and Ashley were back together, or would she read it in the papers like the rest of the world?.

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