Chapters 9+10

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Chapter 9 - stay with me tonight

Cheryl waited patiently outside the bathroom for Kimberley to come out. She could here the other girls laughter down the stairs so knew that she would have to be quiet and keep her voice down. She knocked gently on the bathroom door, Kimberley had only popped up to redo her make-up.
Hearing the bolt on the door being unlocked, she pushed the door and went inside. “oh its you” Kimberley said with a quizzical look on her face. “who else would it be” Cheryl joked. They had all made a bit of an effort for the night, Kimberley was no exception. She wore a black pencil skirt with a black vest top and a tight white shirt over the top, unbuttoned to reveal just the hint of cleavage.
“you look amazing” Cheryl said, making her way over to Kimberley who was still by the sink.
“I had to pour myself in to this” Kimberley laughed, referring to the shirt which Cheryl couldn’t keep her eyes off.
“I bet it would be a lot easier to get out of it” Cheryl teased, pushing her back, hard against the sink. She brought her hands down and cupped them around Kimberley’s bum, giving it a squeeze before kissing her passionately on the lips.

Cheryl fumbled at the buttons on Kimberley’s shirt, getting lost in the kiss. “we might get caught” Kimberley said, trying, albeit not very hard, to disengage from the kiss. “I’ve waited so long for this” Cheryl breathed, hungry kisses trailing down Kimberley’s neck.
Kimberley could here Sarah’s laughter in the background as she helped Cheryl to unbutton her blouse, the feeling of getting caught making her more and more excited.

Cheryl finally opened Kimberley’s blouse and slipped it off her shoulders before running her hands up one of Kimberley’s legs.
She had an amazing body, extenuated by the tight clothing she wore. “stay with me tonight” Cheryl whispered, still kissing her neck but more vigorously. “what about Justin” Kimberley replied, it was somewhat of a passion killer. Cheryl let go of the embrace but stayed close to Kimberley. “do you love him” Cheryl asked quietly, already fearing the answer.
Kimberley dropped her head, she didn’t have an answer, or at least not one she wanted to share. The truth was, she didn’t really know. They had a lot of history together, but then again so did her and Cheryl.
Cheryl felt her heart drop, a lump began to form in her throat which she swallowed hard to get rid of.
“he doesn’t make me feel like you do” Kimberley said softly, placing her hand briefly on Cheryl’s cheek before bending down and picking her shirt up.

Cheryl walked back in to the living room, she put a happy face on but inside she wanted to scream. It didn’t help that everyone around her was still giddy and laughing away without a care in the world.
“has she got lost” Nicola laughed, noticing how long Kimberley was taking in the bathroom. Cheryl smiled, but there was no conviction in it. At that moment all she wanted to do was go up to her bedroom and cry.
Kimberley came down a few minutes later, her face was red, Cheryl wondered whether she had been crying. Their eyes connected as Kimberley opted to sit on the couch which they had been leaning on. It was tense, although the other girls didn’t pick up on it, to them everything was fine.
Kimberley reached out to touch  Cheryl on the shoulder but decided against it, instead she grabbed for another drink.

There ways a knock at the door, Cheryl checked the time, it was almost midnight. “who’s that at this time” Nadine asked with  frown. “I don’t know grandma, I’ll go and have a look” Kimberley joked and got up to get the door. She had a permanent Smile fixed on her face, as if it had been drawn on, but underneath she was in turmoil.

She opened the door, still with her glass in hand. Her smile dropped as she took in the sight of the visitor. She felt like she had been smacked in the face.

Chapter 10 - empty

Kimberley stood at the door, frozen to the spot. “Kimberley” The man at the door acknowledged, although there was not a hint of a smile on his face. He brushed past her before she had time to react and made his way in to the house. Kimberley shut the door behind him and tried to rush in to the living room, however he had already made it before her.
All the girls turned to see who the visitor was and as they took in his face, silence fell across the room.
“Ashley” Cheryl gulped, his face was the last she expected to see in her house. “can we talk” he asked softly before nodding hello to the other girls.
Kimberley followed behind him and shrugged her shoulders at Cheryl’s quizzical look.
“what do you want” Cheryl shouted defensively. She noticed that he looked quite bad, he hadn’t had a shave for a while and it looked as though he hadn’t slept much either. However she refused to feel sympathy for him, the man who had single handedly ripped her whole world apart.
“please can we talk” he begged, desperation etched in to his face and voice.
Cheryl looked at the girls sat in her living room, each one looking more uncomfortable than the last, then her eyes settled on Kimberley who was still stood behind Ashley. 
“please babe” Ashley said again, which forced Cheryl to break away her eye contact with Kimberley.

“I think we should go” Sarah said, looking towards the other girls. Nadine nodded, as did Nicola. They all stood to get their coats. “no, you don’t have to go…he isn’t staying” Cheryl said, her voice was harsh, yet her eyes betrayed her as a tear dropped to her cheek.
Ashley made his way over to Cheryl, putting an arm on to hers. She pulled away sharply and forced her tears to the back of her mind. “don’t touch me” she spat, making her way to the front door. “I just want to talk” Ashley replied calmly.
“Cheryl we are going to go” Nicola told her, giving her a friendly touch on the arm for support. She nodded and watched them file out of the living room.
Kimberley watched in horror, knowing that there was nothing she could do. This situation was completely out of her control. She turned away, wishing that her and Cheryl hadn’t left things the way they had.

Kimberley looked one last time before following Nadine out of the door. The cold air hit her like a brick. A car had already arrived and Sarah and Nadine jumped in it. “Kimberley” a voice shouted from the door, it was Cheryl.
Another car pulled up just as Cheryl had appeared at the door. “are you coming” Nicola asked, getting in. “no, I’ll get another one later” she replied as Cheryl came out to her.
They both watched the two cars pull away and disappear down the road before Kimberley eventually turned to face Cheryl. “please don’t go” Cheryl said, touching Kimberley’s cheek tenderly.
“I have to” Kimberley said to her. “I cant stay and watch you and him…”she couldn’t even finish her sentence, all she wanted to do was cry.
“there is no me and him” Cheryl said, her voice pleading for Kimberley to believe her. “I wish that was true Cheryl…but you’re his wife, you should go in and talk to him” Kimberley replied forlornly, she wasn’t even trying to hide her disappointment or sadness any more.


She walked in to the night, the air was biting at her face as she roamed aimlessly down Cheryl’s street. On the other side of the road, a street lamp illuminated a couple holding hands and kissing. Kimberley looked away, the last thing she wanted to see at that moment was happy people…people in love. There was a funny feeling inside her stomach, one which she had never really felt before, it wasn’t sickness, and it wasn’t the effects of alcohol, although she had consumed quite a bit. Walking alone, with tears running down her cheeks, wondering what Ashley and Cheryl were talking about, she finally put her finger on it, it was…emptiness.

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