Chapters 15+16

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Chapter 15 - another notch on the post

Cheryl intertwined her fingers with Kimberley’s, it felt good for her to have some contact with Kim. The girl stirred and murmured gently at Cheryl’s touch but it wasn’t enough to wake her. “I’m sorry” she whispered in to the silence, suddenly feeling the need to explain herself.

Something jolted Kimberley awake, her eyes immediately started to sting, a result of all the tears she had shed during the day. She felt someone’s presence in the room before she had even took in the figure sitting on the chair beside her.

Expecting it to be Nadine, she turned to greet her, flinching in shock when she realised that it was Cheryl. Kimberley cast a quizzical eye over the girl sat beside her, she could tell that Cheryl had been crying because her cheeks were a bit blotchy, and her hair was soaking wet. “do you hate me” Cheryl asked her, a sorrowful look on her face.

Kimberley sighed heavily, she rubbed her eyes trying to wake herself up a little. “I could never hate you” she said with a half-smile. “I wouldn’t blame you if you did, you couldn’t possibly hate me more than I hate myself”.

Kimberley reached out to touch Cheryl’s arm, she hesitated before making contact and decided against it, putting her own arm back under the duvet.

“is this the way that its going to be from now on” Cheryl sighed, switching a lamp on next to the bed so she could see Kimberley properly.

“how do you expect it to be” Kimberley replied loudly, although she didn’t mean to shout, emotions were getting the better of her. Silence descended on to the room, neither girl wanted to be the first to speak.

“I sacrificed our friendship….I sacrificed you…us, just to save a marriage that has already been broken” Cheryl sobbed, tears welling up in her eyes.

“was you ever really serious, or did you know you were gonna get back together with him” Kimberley asked calmly, although inside her heart was twisting and banging against her chest.  Cheryl closed her eyes, hurt that Kimberley could think that she would do something like that. “maybe you was thinking about him when you were sh*ging me…just another notch on the post….something to add to your repertoire ” Kimberley said, still maintaining her calm façade, although she knew that last comment would illicit a reaction out of Cheryl.

Cheryl drew back, shock etched on her face, she had never heard Kimberley talk like that when she was angry, but then again she supposed that Kimberley had never really been as upset or angry as she was at that moment. “it was never like that” she said, her voice weak, it came out as a whisper. Tears fell from her eyes, she used her hands to stop them but it was useless.

Kimberley’s heart sank, she moved across the bed and put her hand around Cheryl’s shoulder. “I’m sorry…I.. shouldn’t have said that” she apologised, stroking the top of Cheryl’s arm.

“I just wanted you to feel…feel this pain, because its ripping me apart” Kimberley finished, emotion running high in her voice this time.

“I don’t love Ashley” Cheryl shouted, the words came from nowhere, spurted out with urgency, she was as shocked as Kimberley to hear them. Cheryl got on to the bed and reached her hands out, cupping Kimberley’s face in them. “I never want you to feel pain like this ever again” she cried, feeling Kimberley’s own tears hitting her fingers. “knowing that I hut you…that makes me feel pain like I have never felt before, looking in to your eyes and not seeing you smile…that hurts more than anything else” Cheryl went on, moving closer to Kimberley on the bed.

“I wish dreams were real Cheryl” Kimberley sighed with a heavy heart. Cheryl ran her fingers over Kimberley’s eyes, wiping away the tears. Cheryl didn’t reply, instead she leaned in slowly, letting her lips graze Kimberley’s.

The kiss started slow and tender, Cheryl didn’t want to push things, she knew Kimberley had had one of the worst days of her life. “if you let me love you…I will never break your heart again” Cheryl whispered softly in to Kimberley’s ear.

Chapter 16 - Do you love me

“do you love me” Kimberley asked tentatively, just a couple of hours ago she would have never guessed she would be asking Cheryl that particular question. “ever since I first met you” Cheryl said simply, still with her hands cupped loosely around Kimberley’s face.

Cheryl leaned in closer and kissed Kimberley on the lips, chewing gently on her bottom lip.

Kimberley’s heart was pounding, she wondered whether Cheryl could tell that she was nervous, things like this just didn’t normally happen to her.

“what about Ashley” Kimberley asked, she had to be certain that Cheryl was serious, she didn’t want to open herself up to more heartache. Cheryl fell silent for a moment, staring deeply in to Kimberley’s eyes. “Ashley is in my past…you are my future…if you will have me” Cheryl answered, her voice cracking.

“you broke my heart” Kimberley told her honestly. A look of anguish washed over Cheryl’s face, every time she heard Kimberley say those words it was like someone had kicked her in the stomach. Kimberley felt vulnerable, her emotions were shattered. “I know… seeing how much I hurt you made me realise just how much I wanted you, how much I need you in my life” Cheryl told her, tears started to well up in her eyes again but she wiped them away quickly.

“if I ever lost you Cheryl, if something went wrong and we split up…” Kimberley started before Cheryl raised her fingers to Kimberley’s lips to stop her. “your friendship means more to me than anything babe, and I would never sacrifice that for anything unless I knew it could work, I’ve waited six years for you…I will spend every minute of every day trying to make you happy”.

Kimberley smiled, it was a mixture of relief and excitement, as if she was finally starting to realise that her and Cheryl could work.

“come home with me” Cheryl whispered in to Kimberley’s ear, hoping she would say yes.


Nadine waited anxiously downstairs, her heart skipping a beat when she saw Cheryl walking down the stairs, eyes wet with tears. She looked at her sympathetically, expecting the worst. “well…” Nadine prompted, not able to bare the uncertainty. Cheryl said nothing, her smile said it all. She went straight over and gave Nadine a hug, still finding it hard to conceal her happiness.

“come to my house tomorrow night, there’s something that you might wanna know” Cheryl joked, knowing that Nadine already knew what she was talking about. Nadine smiled and gave Cheryl a squeeze before seeing Kimberley coming down the stairs, she had changed from her nightwear to the clothes she was wearing for the meeting. “are you stealing my house guest” Nadine asked, in mock surprise.

As soon as they had arrived inside at Cheryl’s house, she grabbed hold of Kimberley’s hand and pushed her up against the closed front door, giving her a tender yet passionate kiss.

Only the sound of their shoes against the polished floor could be heard as Cheryl took Kimberley’s hand and lead her up the stairs.

Once they were in the bedroom Cheryl took control, leading her new lover to the bed and gently pushing her backwards. She climbed on to the bed, straddling the girls waist.

In her head she knew that the next week would probably be one of the toughest of her life, Kimberley would have to tell Justin and she would have to tell Ashley, and then there was the press and the media to deal with. Cheryl closed her eyes for a second at the monumental task ahead, However looking down, deep in to Kimberley’s beautiful eyes, suddenly nothing really seemed important and nothing seemed difficult.

“maybe dreams can come true after all” Kimberley said with a smile before reaching up and pulling Cheryl close to her and planting a passionate kiss on her lips.

The End

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